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Already layed Stumbling Stones

Sarah Germaine Hinfeld * 1918

Stralsunder Straße 1 / Ecke Steindamm (Hamburg-Mitte, St. Georg)

JG. 1918
"VERLEGT" 2.3.1942

Sarah Germaine Hinfeld, born 28.10.1918 in Speyer, murdered by gas in the Bernburg killing center on 2.3.1942

Stralsunder Straße 1 (formerly Lüneburger Straße 1)

Sarah Hinfeld was a member of the Jewish Community of Hamburg and lived since about 1937 in St. Georg at Lüneburger Straße 1 (now Stralsunder Straße) as a subtenant at host K. Stöbert.

On September 11, 1937, for unknown reasons, she was committed by the Gestapo as a "protective custody prisoner" to the Fuhlsbüttel concentration camp, where she initially remained for ten days. After her release from Fuhlsbüttel, although it is unknown where, she was again imprisoned in Fuhlsbüttel from November 1 to 19. It can be assumed that from there she was sent directly to the concentration camp at Moringen, north of Göttingen, which had been established in 1933.

When the camp was dissolved in March 1938, she was sent with 22 Jewish women to the Lichtenburg women's concentration camp in Prettin in the district of Torgau. Later, she was brought to the Ravensbrück concentration camp.

From there she was taken to the Bernburg killing center on one of the "Black Transports" in early March 1942, to be murdered in the gas chamber.

The Stolperstein for Sarah Hinfeld was laid in front of the house Stralsunder Straße 1 (corner Steindamm).

Translation by Beate Meyer
Stand: January 2022
© Benedikt Behrens

Quellen: 1; 4; StaH 213-8, Staatsanwaltschaft OLG – Verwaltung, Abl. 2, 451 a E1, 1b; AB 1938; Mahn- und Gedenkstätte Ravensbrück (Hg.), Gedenkbuch für die Opfer des Konzentrationslagers Ravensbrück, Berlin 2005; Buber Agassi, Judith, The Jewish Women of Ravensbrück. Who Were They?, Oxford 2007, S. 46, 58 (inkl. CD).

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