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Sybille Körppen (née Ullmann) * 1879

Borgesch 4 - links von Nr. 4 (Hamburg-Mitte, St. Georg)

1941 Lodz

Sibylla Körppen, née Ullmann, born 11 July 1879 in Hoerster-Schelsen (District Mönchen-Gladbach), deported 25 Oct. 1941 to Lodz

Final residential address: Borgeschstraße 17 (today no. 4)

Sibylla Körppen, daughter of the tradesman Marcus Ullmann and his wife Henriette, née Leffmann, was a member of the Jewish Community of Hamburg and married to a non-Jewish man by the name of Julius Körppen who fell in World War I; the couple had no children. To bolster her meager widow’s pension, Sibylla Körppen ran the pub "Tanagra" in St. Georg after her husband’s death.

In 1934 and 1938 she was criminally convicted for smaller offences. As a consequence, in 1938 her permission to "run a pub serving beverages" was revoked. In Dec. 1939 the head of the local NSDAP group Hauptbahnhof Drost denounced her because he discovered that when she received her Reich Clothing Card, she had failed to go to her local police authority and complain that the card did not contain the first name "Sara" which all Jewish women were forced to assume.

In Mar. 1940 the Hamburg District Court sentenced her to ten days in prison even though she was in possession of a "Jewish card" and a card from the Main Rations Office which held the obligatory name. She served the sentence at the women’s prison of the Fuhlsbüttel Penitentiary. A year and a half after her release, Sibylla Körppen was deported to Lodz Ghetto with 1,034 of Hamburg’s Jewish men and women in Oct. 1941. All trace of her was then lost. A Stolperstein lies in front of the place of her former apartment building, today Borgeschstraße 4.

Translator: Suzanne von Engelhardt

Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.

Stand: October 2016
© Benedikt Behrens

Quellen: 1; 4; StaH, 522-1, Jüdische Gemeinden, 992 e 2 (Deportationslisten); StAH 213-11 – Strafakten, 1646/40; StAH 242-1 II Gefängnisverwaltung II, Abl. 13.

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