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Already layed Stumbling Stones
Egele Damitt * 1916
Seilerstraße 22 (Hamburg-Mitte, St. Pauli)
JG. 1916
further stumbling stones in Seilerstraße 22:
Aranka Fuchs, Erna Fuchs, Irma Fuchs, Marianne Fuchs, Philipp Fuchs, Selma Fuchs, Minna Grünewald
Egele Damitt, born 31.1.1916 in Berlin, deported to Minsk Ghetto on 18.11.1941 and murdered
Seilerstraße 22, St. Pauli
Egele Damitt was the fifth and youngest child of the Jewish couple Willi Damitt and Rosa Damitt, née Jonas. Willi Damitt, born in 1888, and Rosa Damitt, born in Berlin (22.4.1890), had married in Berlin on September 27, 1909. Their children Irmgard (born 3.7.1910), Hildegard Helene (born 3.8.1912), Abraham Artur (born 1914, died 6.4.1919), Heinz (born 2.9.1914, died 31.12.1914) and the nestling Egele (born 31.1.1916) were born there.
The mother Rosa had completed an apprenticeship as a commercial clerk and specialized in picking goods. The father Willi Damitt ran a cigar store in Berlin. He died there on July 3, 1926.
We know nothing about Engele's childhood and school years, only that the Damitt family's life in Berlin was marked by frequent moves. They changed apartments almost every year.
In the address card index of Altona it is noted that Egele Damitt moved to Konradstraße 18/Altona Altstadt (today Govertsweg) on November 23, 1939 and to Glücksburger Straße 8/Altona Nord on October 4, 1940. Apart from the moves, there are hardly any traces of Egele Damitt in Hamburg.
From October 23, 1941, she lived as a subtenant with the Fuchs family at Seilerstraße 22/St. Pauli. The landlords, Philipp and Selma Fuchs, had operated an alteration tailor shop on the first floor of the house, which had been closed by the Gestapo on September 19, 1940.
On November 17, 1941, Egele Damitt moved into a room with Levy at Bornstraße 1/Rotherbaum.
Only one day later, on November 18, 1941, she was deported to Minsk. The address Seilerstraße 22 still appeared on the deportation list. (Her landlady Selma Fuchs died on March 6, 1943. Philipp Fuchs and his daughters Erna Fuchs and Aranka Fuchs were deported to Theresienstadt on September 6, 1943 and further deported to Auschwitz. Erna Fuchs was liberated in Auschwitz, Philipp and Aranka Fuchs, divorced Wilde, were murdered there).
Egele Damitt died in Minsk, she was 25 years old.
On the fate of Egele Damitt's mother and siblings:
Rosa Damitt was deported from Berlin to Kowno on November 17, 1941. The date of death is noted in the memorial book of the Federal Archives as November 25, 1941.
Irmgard Damitt's first marriage was to Heinrich Bloch, born March 1, 1908, who died in Berlin on November 7, 1936. She married a second time and was then called Fruchter. Irmgard Fruchter was deported to the Lodz/Litzmannstadt ghetto together with her son Lot Berl Fruchter (born 1.2.1939), murdered in Chelmno on May 5, 1942.
Hildegard Helene Damitt married Max Bloch (born 9.8.1885), who hanged himself in Sachsenhausen on July 14, 1940. Hildegard Helene Bloch was murdered on April 25, 1942 in the Bernburg at river Saale killing center on April 25, 1942. (See
Translation Beate Meyer
Stand: February 2023
© Bärbel Klein
Quellen: 1; 2; 4; 5; 6; 8, 9; StaH, 351-11 Amt f. Wiedergutmachung 31033 (Gertrud Cordts), 2722 (Philipp Fuchs); Standesamt Berlin Heiratsregister Nr. 558/1909 Willi Damitt/Rosa Jonas, Sterberegister Nr. 4/1915 Heinz Damitt, Sterberegister Nr. 707/1919 Abraham Artur Damitt, Sterberegister Nr. 1258/1926 Willi Damitt, Heiratsregister Nr. 1034/1928 Heinrich Bloch/Ida Irmgard Damitt; 741-4 Fotoarchiv K 4411 (Damitt), K 2515 (Seilerstraße), K 4249 (Bloch), K4392 (Bloch);, (Zugriff am 10.05.2022).
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