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Already layed Stumbling Stones
Max Fleischhauer * 1878
Rappstraße 16 (Eimsbüttel, Rotherbaum)
Freitod 7.11.1941 vor Deportation
further stumbling stones in Rappstraße 16:
Julius Bähr, Sohn von Hermann und Lydia Hoffmann, Hermann Hoffmann, Lydia Hoffmann, Esther Levy, Ottilie Robertsohn, Ida Rosenberg
Max Fleischhauer, born 12 Apr. 1878, death by suicide 7 Nov. 1941
Max Fleischhauer had been an agent, but in 1940 was completely destitute. His wife Kalmanie was deceased. The widower made an unsuccessful attempt to emigrate to the US in the summer of 1940. Max Fleischhauer lived at Grindelallee 16 until he rented rooms at Rappstraße 16 on 1 February 1941. After receiving notification that he was to be deported on 7 November 1941, he committed suicide on the night before he was scheduled to depart. His landlord later told the police that he went to wake Fleischhauer so that he would arrive on time at the deportation collection point at 9 a.m. But he found the door locked and notified the police. The police sergeant who arrived called the locksmith next door to open the room. Max Fleischhauer had hanged himself on the doorframe. His body was taken to the Hafenkrankenhaus, where the death certificate was issued. As was the normal procedure in such cases, the policeman took all personal documents and ration cards for himself.
Translator: Amy Lee
Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.
© Beate Meyer
Quelle: StaH, 522-1, Jüdische Gemeinden, 992b, Kultussteuerkartei der Deutsch-Israelitischen Gemeinde; ebd., 314-15 Oberfinanzpräsident; ebd., 331-5, Polizeibehörde – Unnatürliche Sterbefälle, 1942/52; Adressbücher 1938, 1942; Hamburger jüdische Opfer des Nationalsozialismus. Gedenkbuch, Hamburg 1995.