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Already layed Stumbling Stones
Ingeborg Friedländer * 1924
Schatzmeisterstraße 43 (Wandsbek, Marienthal)
JG. 1924
Alfred Friedlaender, born 29 Aug. 1887, deported 25 Oct. 1941 to Lodz, died there 16 Mar. 1942
Ingeborg Friedlaender, born 11 Feb. 1924, deported 12 Oct. 1944 to Auschwitz
Schatzmeisterstraße 43 (Marienstraße 12)
The intiators of the Stolperstein project set specific guidelines for the placement of the memorial stones. However the particular wishes of sponsors have sometimes been taken into consideration. For this reason the Stolperstein for Ingeborg Friedlaender is at this location, although she only lived in this building for the first four years of her life. A Stolperstein for her father is planned for St. Georg, since it was unclear for some time how long he lived in Wandsbek. Since he left his mark on the economic life of Wandsbek, I will report some newly-found facts here (see also: Stolpersteine in Hamburg-St. Georg brochure).
Alred Friedlaender was born on 29 August 1887 in Hindenburg in Upper Silesia. His parents were Johanna, née Hoffmann, and Hermann Friedlaender. He had at least two younger siblings: Friedrich (*1890) and Meta (*1892). She stated in 1962: "Alfred attended elementary school and training school in Hindenburg. At 15 he went to Breslau to work in the office at the Wendriner-Olauh cigar factory. He went to Hamburg around 1908 and worked in the office at the consumer cooperative Produktion. After that he took over the Peters cigar factory in Wandsbek, until 1924. Then he was a travelling representative for big cigar factories in southern Germany until he was deported.”
The Address Book tells us something of his years in Wandsbek. It has the listing "Alfred Friedländer, Carl Peters Company, Tobacco and Cigar Factory, Marienstraße 12.” The company was located at Litzowstraße 73, where the Carl Peters tobacco factories were located.
Alfred Friedlaender married Else Goldner (*1898) at the Berlin-Charlottenburg registry office on 3 February 1922. The couple lived at Marienstraße 12, where Alfred and his sister had an apartment. Meta Friedlaender married the businessman Hugo v. Halle a few weeks later and moved to Hamburg. Alfred Friedlaender was a witness at their wedding.
His daughter Ingeborg was born on 11 February 1924 in Wandsbek. She is the only child listed in his church tax records. The couple divorced in 1928, and Else probably returned to Berlin with her daughter. Nothing is known about Ingeborg Friedlaender’s schooling or professional life. She was listed as a manual laborer on the deportation lists. As such, she had probably been conscripted to forced labor. Her last address was Berchtesgadener Straße 2 in Berlin-Schöneberg. She was deported to Auschwitz on 12 October 1944. According to the Berlin Gestapo’s transport list, this was the 58th "Eastern Transport.” All traces of her are lost at Auschwitz. Ingeborg Friedlaender was 20 years old when she was deported.
At the time of her deportation, both of her parents were dead. Her mother had been deported from Berlin to Auschwitz on 7 December 1943 and murdered there.
After the divorce, her father worked as a travelling representative and lived at various addresses in Hamburg. From 1936 to 1940 he paid only minimal community taxes, which hardly extended beyond the minimum amount of 12 Reichsmarks. This indicates that he had an income, but that his economic situation was precarious. From 1939 onwards he was registered as a boarder with Ester Harms at Nagelsweg 19 I. He gave his last valuables (apparently not reported), a golden watch on a chain, a gold ring with three diamonds, and 500 Reichsmarks, to a friend for safe-keeping shortly before he was deported. The friend gave them to his sister after the war, if not quite willingly.
Alfred Friedlaender was deported on 25 October 1941 to Lodz. His profession was given on the deportation list as salesman. According to the ghetto’s death list, he died there on 16 March 1942.
Translator: Amy Lee
Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.
© Astrid Louven
Quellen: 1; 4; 5; 8; AfW 290887; AB 1920 VI, 1936 II.