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Already layed Stumbling Stones
Frieda Dannenberg (née Weinberg) * 1874
Großneumarkt 38 (vorm. Schlachterstraße) (Hamburg-Mitte, Neustadt)
1941 Minsk
further stumbling stones in Großneumarkt 38 (vorm. Schlachterstraße):
Hanna Aghitstein, Julie Baruch, Ludwig Louis Baruch, Julius Blogg, Rebecca Blogg, Kurt Cossmann, Mathilde Cossmann, Alice Graff, Leopold Graff, Flora Halberstadt, Elsa Hamburger, Herbert Hamburger, Louis Hecker, Max Hecker, Marianne Minna Hecker, Lea Heymann, Alfred Heymann, Wilma Heymann, Paul Heymann, Jettchen Kahn, Adolf Kahn, Curt Koppel, Johanna Koppel, Hannchen Liepmann, Henriette Liepmann, Bernhard Liepmann, Johanna Löwe, Martin Moses, Beate Ruben, Flora Samuel, Karl Schack, Minna Schack, Werner Sochaczewski, Margot Sochazewski, verh. Darvill, Sophie Vogel, Sara Vogel
Frieda (Fanny) Dannenberg, née Weinberg, born 1/26/1874 in Hamburg, deported to Minsk on 11/18/1941
Grossneumarkt 38 (Schlachterstrasse 46/47)
Frieda Dannenberg, born January 26, 1874, was the eldest daughter of the Jewish couple Hermann/Herz Weinberg (born 4/18/1845, died 2/9/1895) and Rosalie, née Schoeneberg (born 3/5/1845, died 10/12/1919). She grew up at Bartelsstrasse 95 in Hamburg-St. Pauli together with 4 siblings. Their father Hermann Weinberg ran a lottery and advertising bureau in Bartelsstrasse, which his wife Rosalie took over after his death in 1895.
On November 26, 1897, Frieda married Bermann Dannenberg (born 5/1/1867), the eldest son of Joseph Dannenberg (born 11/6/1818, died 6/28/1894) and his wife Gelle, née Meinfeld (born 7/6/1836, died 4/26/1914). Bermann Dannenberg came from a large family in Falkenberg, Homberg county in Hesse, and lived in Harburg on the Elbe, then a Prussian town of its own, where Frieda and Bermann’s sons Josef (born 4/5/1898), Hermann (born 7/15/1900) and Alfred (born 1/3/1903) were born. The family lived at Wilstorferstrasse 71, later at Heinrichstrasse 15. Bermann Dannenberg ran a produce store at Langestrasse 26a.
The Dannenbergs left Harburg in 1903 and moved to Humboldtstrasse 107 in the Uhlenhorst district of Hamburg, where Bermann Dannenberg opened a shop for "buying and selling iron and bargain deals of all kinds.”
Their sons Josef und Hermann first attended the Talmud Tora School, which at the time was still located at Kohlhöfen 19. Because of their long way to school, they soon switched to the nearby public elementary school in Humboldtstrasse 30. After finishing school, both boys absolved a commercial apprenticeship and took part in World War I, like their uncle Bernhard Weinberg. After the war, Hermann went back to work at the company where he had absolved his apprenticeship, but soon after entered his father’s business.
In 1922, Hermann Dannenberg set up his own business, where he traded non-restricted goods. On November 28, 1922, he married Mariechen Alma Engelmann (born 2/8/1905). On April 14, 1923, his brother Josef married Christine Sophie Hilda Hinz (born 2/28/1900), a kindergarten teacher. Both wives came from Lutheran Protestant Hamburg families.
Difficult economic conditions in the early 1920s induced Hermann Dannenberg to go to the USA in July 1923, where he worked for the "205 Broadway Corporation" in New York for almost two years. In June 1925, he returned to Hamburg for unknown family-related reasons. His daughter Helga was born on March 26, 1926. Her parents were divorced on April 16, 1928, when she was two years old. On November 12, 1929, Hermann Dannenberg married Erna Fiedler, née Winter (born 9/23/1893, died 10/24/1980), a widow. They had two children, Ilse (3/10/1930) and Werner (1/12/1936).
In the meantime, Hermann’s parents Frieda and Bermann Dannenberg had moved to Martinistrasse 20 in the Eppendorf district of Hamburg, where the opened a linen and woolen goods store in 1927. During an illness of his mother, Hermann temporarily took over running the shop. His parents gave up the business in 1929 and moved first to Schleidenstrasse 2 in Barmbek and shortly after to the Lazarus-Gumpel-Stift, Schlachterstrasse 46/47 house 4, where Bermann Dannenberg died soon after on August 26, 1932.
After various salaried jobs, Hermann Dannenberg again set up his own business, buying and selling goods from insolvencies. At the end of 1933, however, he was forced to give up this business because of the restrictions imposed by the Nazi government.
His elder brother Josef, who lived at Kaemmerer Ufer 2 in Barmbek with his wife Christine, was arrested by the Gestapo during the November pogrom of 1938. He was, however, not taken to a concentration camp, because he had asserted having fought at the front in the Great War, and agreed to leave Germany immediately. Unable to get a visa for the USA on account of quota limits, Josef and Christine Dannenberg on April 2, 1939, emigrated to Rangoon, Burma via Marseille. Josef’s youngest brother Alfred went to sea as a steward and had already emigrated to the USA in 1930.
Hermann Dannenberg, unable to emigrate like his brothers, was drafted to do hard forced labor in so-called Jews’ detachments, work that by far exceeded his physical capabilities. He was sent digging for the Karl Vogt company in Finkenwerder, to a factory in Schnelsen, where he had to clean and shred cement bags, and then again, digging in Blankenese. Following a medical examination around the end of 1940, he was allowed to work at home, first writing addresses for the Franz Mohr company.
Later, he hammered inlays for shoes for the Berkmann company in the coal cellar of the building at Schleidenstrasse 2 where he lived. At the end, Hermann Dannenberg worked for Doctor Baark, probably doing office work. As Hermann, as a Jew, was not allowed to enter the doctor’s practice, his wife Erna served as a messenger. She faithfully protected her husband in their "privileged mixed marriage” until the end of the war and the fall of the Nazi regime.
At the end, his mother Frieda Dannenberg had to share her apartment at the retirement home with the widow Sara Salomon (see there); Frieda Dannenberg was deported to the ghetto of Minsk (White Russia) on November 18, 1941, in spite of the fact that she was two years older than the age limit given in the directive for that transport. Her profession on the list was given as "laundry woman.” Frieda Dannenberg’s fate in Minsk is unknown. In March 1950, she was declared dead by the Hamburg district court, effective May 8, 1945.
After the war, Hermann Dannenberg worked as an insurance agent; his health, however, was severely affected by the years of forced labor. He died on January 20, 1961 in Hamburg.
His brother and his sister-in-law Josef and Christine Dannenberg were interned by the British in Burma as "enemy aliens.” On February 19, 1942 they fled from the Japanese invasion to India, where they were again interned. On August 18, 1946, they succeeded in going to the USA from Bombay. At the end of 1964, they returned to Hamburg. Josef Dannenberg died on January 3, 1970, his wife Christine on December 4, 1971.
Alfred, youngest of the Dannenberg brothers, did not return to Hamburg. He died in the USA in 1980.
Of the five children of the Weinbergs, only the youngest daughter Paula Lenz, née Weinberg (born 6/24/1886) survived, protected by a "mixed marriage.” A Stumbling Stone at Kielortallee 24 commemorates her sister Dina Adloff, née Weinberg (born 6/11/1878). A Stumbling Stone for her brother Siegfried Weinberg (born 8/22/1875) was laid at Grossneumarkt 56. Bernhard, the youngest of the Weinberg brothers, (born 4/9/1885) was killed as a soldier in World War I on August 31, 1918.
Translated by Peter Hubschmid
Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.
Stand: May 2020
© Susanne Rosendahl
Quellen: 1; 5; 9; StaH 351-11 AfW 2852 (Weinberg, Siegfried); StaH 351-11 AfW 23619 (Dannenberg, Hermann); StaH 351-11 AfW 23694 (Dannenberg, Christine); StaH 351-11 AfW 15482 (Dannenberg, Erna); StaH 351-11 AfW 20517 (Dannenberg, Joseph); StaH 332-7 B III 114626/1912; StaH 351-14 Arbeits- und Sozialfürsorge 869 (Adloff, Dina); StaH 332-5 Standesämter 8588 u 650/1897; StaH 332-5 Standesämter 12911 u 494/1898; StaH 332-5 Standesämter 13375 u 1003/1910; StaH 332-5 Standesämter 810 u 621/1919; StaH 332-5 Standesämter 6599 u 872/1922; StaH 332-5 Standesämter 993 u 341/1932; StaH 522-1 Jüdische Gemeinde Nr. 992 e 2 Band 3; AB Hamburg; (Zugriff 19.3.2014); Lohmeyer: Stolpersteine, Band 1, S. 49.
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