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Already layed Stumbling Stones
Martha Golembiewski * 1900
Isestraße 41 (Eimsbüttel, Harvestehude)
KZ Fuhlsbüttel
25.9.1943 ermordet KZ Fühlsbüttel
(Im Garten der Frauen auf dem Ohlsdorfer Friedhof in Hamburg befinden sich einige Grabsteine von und Erinnerungssteine für weibliche(n) Opfer(n) des Nationalsozialismus, für die in Hamburg Stolpersteine verlegt wurden.)
further stumbling stones in Isestraße 41:
Dr. Nathan Nathanael Peltesohn
Martha Golembiewski, born on 16 Feb. 1900, died on 25 Sept. 1943 in the Fuhlsbüttel concentration camp
Martha Golembiewski died in the Fuhlsbüttel concentration camp and was buried in the Ohlsdorf cemetery in one of a row of graves that no longer exists today. Her files identify her as a "person capable of being re-Germanized” ("Wiedereindeutschungsfähige”). Though born in Mühlheim, Martha Golembiewski appears to have lived in Poland. The people inhabiting annexed Poland in 1939 were classified as "ethnic Germans,” "persons capable of Germanization,” or "foreign nationals/alien people” ("Fremdvölkische”). Anyone expected to yield economic benefit was "Germanized” and forcibly taken to the Reich. Martha Golembiewski came to Hamburg, where she worked as a domestic help at Isestrasse 41. Her imprisonment in the Fuhlsbüttel concentration camp was ordered by the Gestapo’s "foreign nationals department” ("Ausländerreferat”). The grounds for imprisonment frequently given were "breach of employment contract" ("Arbeitsvertragsbruch”), even though most of the time political reasons resulted in detention.
Author(s): Text taken from:, accessed on 10 Apr. 2007.
Translator: Erwin Fink
Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.
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