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Already layed Stumbling Stones
Paula Gowa * 1877
Isestraße 58 (Eimsbüttel, Harvestehude)
1941 Lodz
further stumbling stones in Isestraße 58:
Rosa Gowa
Paula Gowa, born on 10 Apr. 1877 in Hamburg, deported on 25 Oct. 1941 to Lodz, murdered in May 1942 in Chelmno
Rosa Gowa, born on 11 Mar. 1879 in Hamburg, deported on 25 Oct. 1941 to Lodz, murdered in May 1942 in Chelmno
Natives of Hamburg, the unmarried sisters Paula and Rosa Gowa were the daughters of Emil Gowa and his wife Johanna, née Jacob. Both sisters worked as accountants. Rosa already lost her job at the beginning of Nazi rule. She no longer had any income as of 1934, whereas her sister apparently was able to continue working in a modestly paid position. Since Oct. 1935, they lived in shared accommodations on Isestrasse, after having had a separate apartment each in the Grindel quarter and in Eppendorf.
In Lodz, the sisters were quartered together at Altmarkt 2. Their application filed in May 1942 to be exempted from the deportations to Chelmno due to their poor state of health was rejected. They suffered death by gassing in a gas van.
Translator: Erwin Fink
Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.
© Christa Fladhammer
Quellen: 1; 8; USHMM, RG 15083, M 299/753-753a; Auskunft von Fritz Neubauer, Universität Bielefeld 19.11.2009.
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