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Already layed Stumbling Stones

Alice Bandmann * 1880

Simon-von-Utrecht-Straße 66 (Hamburg-Mitte, St. Pauli)

JG. 1880

further stumbling stones in Simon-von-Utrecht-Straße 66:
Herbert Bandmann, Leo Bandmann, Kurt Finkels, Margot Finkels

Alice Bandmann, born on 16 Sept. 1880 in Hamburg, deported on 25 Oct. 1941 to Lodz, date of death unknown
Herbert Bandmann, born on 11 Sept. 1888 in Hamburg, deported on 25 Oct. 1941 to Lodz, died there on 30 Mar. 1942
Leo Bandmann, born on 12 May 1900 in Hamburg, deported on 25 Oct. 1941 to Lodz, date of death unknown

Simon-von-Utrecht-Straße 66 (Eckernförderstraße 66)

Born in 1849, Gottschalk Bandmann, who ran a store for linens and fashion goods at Neuer Steinweg 86 in the Neustadt quarter, had five children. His first wife Rosa, née Friedberg, gave birth to daughter Alice in 1880. Alice later worked as a sales assistant in her father’s shop. In 1888, Herbert was born as the son of the second wife, Regina, née Herz. He worked as a sales representative.

In the years 1890 and 1892, sons Paul and Richard were new arrivals to the family. Son Leo was born in 1900 and he underwent training to become a confectioner. Both Alice and her brothers Herbert and Leo Bandmann remained unmarried, living at Eckernförderstraße 66 on the fourth floor until their deportation to Lodz on 25 Oct. 1941. They shared an apartment with the Finkels couple. According to data of the national census from May 1939, Leo was also registered in Munich for a time. On the deportation list he is entered as a "gardener.”

Herbert Bandmann died on 30 Mar. 1942 in the Lodz ("Litzmannstadt”) Ghetto. Nothing is known about the subsequent fate of brothers Paul and Richard. Leo Bandmann was declared dead after the war.

See also the entry on Kurt and Margot Finkels.

Translator: Erwin Fink
Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.

© Gunhild Ohl-Hinz

Quellen: 1; 2; 5; 8; StaH 522-1 Jüdische Gemeinden, 992 e 1, Bd. 1.
Zur Nummerierung häufig genutzter Quellen siehe Recherche und Quellen. Hier abweichend:
(2) Bundesarchiv Berlin, R 1509 Reichssippenamt, Ergänzungskarten der Volkszählung vom 17. Mai 1939

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