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Already layed Stumbling Stones
Amandus Hartung * 1901
Vierländer Damm Ecke Lindleystraße (Hamburg-Mitte, Rothenburgsort)
JG. 1901
ERMORDET 17.9.1933
further stumbling stones in Vierländer Damm Ecke Lindleystraße:
Friedel Franke, Franz Reetz, Anni Schwarz, Chaim Max Schwarz
Amandus Hartung, born on 4 July 1901 in Hamburg, death on 17 Sept. 1933 in the Fuhlsbüttel concentration camp
Intersection of Billhorner Röhrendamm and Lindleystrasse (Reginenstrasse 28)
Amandus Hartung died at the age of 32 under circumstances as yet unexplained. He left behind a wife and two sons aged one and three years. Amandus Hartung and Elisabeth, previous married name Böe, née Zimmer, from Worms had not married until 11 Feb. 1928. They lived at Reginenstrasse 28.
Amandus Hartung was a worker and joined the German Communist Party (KPD). He was politically active, which is why he was arrested for "preparation to high treason.” Before being brought before a court of law, he died in the so-called "Kola-Fu,” the Fuhlsbüttel concentration camp. A report in the KPD newspaper Gegen-Angriff ("counterattack”) dated 24 Mar. 1934 elaborated on the "gang of murderers at Fuhlsbüttel”:
"On 18 Sept. 1933, around noon, a column of my comrades had just been ordered to fetch meals. At Fuhlsbüttel, the food is delivered by a transport car. Just as the vehicle pulled up in front of the portal of Building A, three of the most notorious SS thugs brought out of the basement the prisoner Hartung, who showed clear marks of severe torture. Hartung, barely able to keep on his feet, was now shouted at: ‘To the wall, chop-chop!’ He then had to run at military pace toward the wall. At the wall, the guard post stood with rifle ready to fire. When Hartung was about 20 steps in front of him, they shouted at him from the other side, ‘about-face, chop-chop!’ That very moment, the guard post fired and Hartung fell to the ground, shot dead by a bullet.”
The official version, however, was that the guard post Behnke had shot him on the run.
The entry in the register of deaths does not contribute anything toward clarification. According to the written notice of the police authorities, Amandus Hartung died while being transported to Barmbek General Hospital on 17 Sept. 1933 at 1:30 p.m.
Translator: Erwin Fink
Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.
Stand: October 2016
© Hildegard Thevs
Quellen: Kola-Fu Gedenkbuch; StaH 332-5 Standesämter, 3582+ 92/1928; 7150+1046/1933; Zentralregister der Standesämter, Auskunft 18.1.2010: StA 3/1645/1901.