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Already layed Stumbling Stones
Heinrich Hirsch * 1876
Tondernstieg 6 (Hamburg-Nord, Dulsberg)
JG. 1876
further stumbling stones in Tondernstieg 6:
Renate Hirsch
Heinrich Hirsch, born 5 Aug. 1876 in Budapest, deported 9 June 1943 to Theresienstadt, deported on to Auschwitz on 18 Dec. 1943
Renate Hirsch, née Horowicz, born 22 Feb. 1881 in Berlin, deported 9 June 1943 to Theresienstadt, deported on to Auschwitz on 18 Dec. 1943
Tondernstieg 6
Heinrich Hirsch was the son of the couple Betty and Wilhelm Hirsch who lived in Hungary. He had a brother named Sandor who died in Budapest in 1935. It is not known when Heinrich Hirsch first came to Hamburg. However he must have lived in the Hanseatic city for quite some time since he, according to a later statement by his sister-in-law who survived persecution by going underground in Berlin, supposedly worked "25 or 30 years as an agent" for the Berliner Tageblatt [newspaper] (owned by Rudolf Mosse) in Hamburg. He lived there with his wife Renate since the 1920s at Tondernstieg 6 in Dulsberg; the couple did not have any children.
Renate Hirsch was born in Berlin, the second child of the Horowicz couple. She had an older brother named Jean (born 1877) and the younger siblings Martin (born 1887) and Gertrude (born 1895). In her case too, it is not known when she moved to Hamburg. She certainly will have lived there with her husband for several decades. The couple had been members of the Jewish Community of Wandsbek since 1925 because they apparently wished to be buried there.
According to the records of the regional finance director, the Hirsches had financial assets (fixed-interest securities, savings books) of 37,000 RM as well as "pension rights" amounting to 14,500 RM in 1938. At the end of Sept. 1938, the customs investigation office issued a provisional "security order" against the Hirsch’s assets due to "suspicion of capital flight". From this point on, they were only allowed to use 325 RM per month without prior official consent as ordered by the foreign currency office.
On 29 Feb. 1940 Heinrich and Renate Hirsch moved residence and lived until their deporation at Hoheluftchaussee 19 b. On 9 June 1943 they were deported in a collective transport of 80 Jewish women and men to the ghetto at Theresienstadt from where they were deported a good half year later to Auschwitz extermination camp.
Translator: Suzanne von Engelhardt
Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.
Stand: October 2016
© Benedikt Behrens
Quellen: 1; 2; 4; 5; 7; StaH 552-1 (Jüdische Gemeinden), 992 e 2 (Deportationslisten); AB 1940 u. 1941.
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