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Already layed Stumbling Stones

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Adele Löw * 1922

Schulterblatt 39 (Altona, Sternschanze)

JG. 1922

further stumbling stones in Schulterblatt 39:
Jetti Löw

Adele Löw, born on 26 Apr. 1922 in Hamburg, deported on 11 July 1942 to Auschwitz, date of death unknown
Jetti Löw, née Fried, born on 20 Sept. 1884 in Wybranowka, deported on 11 July 1942 to Auschwitz, date of death unknown

Schulterblatt 39

Jetti Fried was married to Salomon Löw, who was a native of the Polish town of Kalusz – located in today’s Ukraine. There, their son Efraim was born in 1914. In 1922, when daughter Adele was born, the family lived in Hamburg. Salomon Löw passed away in 1938 and Efraim emigrated to the USA. Mother and daughter remained behind and lived at Schulterblatt 39 in the back part of the house. Just before their deportation to Auschwitz on 11 July 1942, they were forced to move to the "Jews’ house” ("Judenhaus”) at Rutschbahn 25a.

Translator: Erwin Fink
Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.

Stand: March 2017
© Gunhild Ohl-Hinz

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