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Already layed Stumbling Stones
Wilhelm Hoeft * 1904
St. Pauli Hafenstraße 96 (Hamburg-Mitte, St. Pauli)
KZ Fuhlsbüttel
ermordet 1937 KZ Fuhlsbüttel
Wilhelm Karl Hoeft, born 1.9.1904 in Hamburg, murdered on 24.10.1937 in the concentration camp Fuhlsbüttel
St. Pauli-Hafenstraße 96
Wilhelm Karl Hoeft lived all his life at St. Pauli-Hafenstraße 96 on the third floor. His parents Christoph Wilhelm and Helene Hoeft, née Heine, had moved there in 1896. Wilhelm Karl was born on September 1, 1904; it is not known whether there were other siblings. In any case, little can be said about his life, there is only a reference to his profession, which is given in the memorial book "Kola-Fu" as "office worker". His father is listed as "supervisor" in the 1913 Hamburg address book.
Likewise, it remains completely unclear when and, above all, for what reason Wilhelm Hoeft was imprisoned in Fuhlsbüttel and murdered there on October 24, 1937. He was only 33 years old.
His father died in 1940 and his mother lived until 1951. At the end of the 1950s, the residential building at St. Pauli-Hafenstraße 96 was demolished.
Translation by Beate Meyer
Stand: January 2022
© Gunhild Ohl-Hinz
Quellen: AB 1913–1940; StaH 332-8 Meldewesen, A51/1 K 2515; AB 1913; Diercks, Gedenkbuch, 1987, S. 22.