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Already layed Stumbling Stones

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Moritz Treuhold * 1880

Biernatzkistraße 16 (Altona, Altona-Altstadt)

JG. 1880

further stumbling stones in Biernatzkistraße 16:
Frieda Treuhold

Frieda Treuhold, née Strauss, born on 19.5.1881 in Oberlauringen/Bavaria, deported on 11.7.1942 to the Auschwitz death camp, murdered
Moritz Treuhold, born on 14.10.1880 in Maßbach/Kissingen/Bavaria, deported on 11.7.1942 to Auschwitz death camp, murdered

Biernatzkistraße 16 (Sonninstraße)

The baker Moritz Treuhold, son of Yitzkhak and Lea Treuhold, ran a bakery and confectionery in Altona's Old Town from 1907. It was located, first at Große Prinzenstraße 49, then at Mühlenstraße 25 and in the 1920s at Königstraße 265.

He and his wife Frieda, née Strauss, had a son named Herbert born in 1908. From 1931, the couple lived with him in the house of the Salomon Joseph and Marianne Hertz Foundation at Sonninstraße 16 (today Biernatzkistraße).

On July 11, 1942, Moritz and Frieda Treuhold were deported from there to the Auschwitz extermination camp.

Translation by Beate Meyer
Stand: February 2022
© Birgit Gewehr

Quellen: 1; 4; 5; 8; AB Altona.
Zur Nummerierung häufig genutzter Quellen siehe Link "Recherche und Quellen".

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