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Already layed Stumbling Stones

Portrait von Fanny Borchardt
Fanny Borchardt
© Privatbesitz

Fanny Borchardt (née Hildesheim) * 1881

Beim Rauhen Hause 30 (Hamburg-Mitte, Horn)

JG. 1881

further stumbling stones in Beim Rauhen Hause 30:
Alfred Levy, Anni Levy, Tirze Levy

Fanny Borchardt, née Hildesheim, born 18 Mar. 1881 in Hamburg, deported 23 June 1943 to Theresienstadt, deported further to Auschwitz 15 May 1944
Alfred Levy, born 8 June 1896 in Brodenbach, deported 8 Nov. 1941 to Minsk
Anni Levy, née Borchardt, born 12 Nov. 1909 in Alt-Rahlstedt, deported 18 Nov. 1941 to Minsk
Tirze Levy, born 31 July 1939 in Hamburg, deported 18 Nov. 1941 to Minsk

Beim Rauhen Hause 30

"The buyer of the plot Beim Rauhen Hause 30 is the son-in-law of the widow Fanny S. Borchardt, truck driver Wilhelm D u e l f e r, resident at Beim Rauhen Hause 30. Duelfer is an Aryan. The purchase price for the plot is RM 9,900. The plot is burdened with RM 7,500. The woman selling the plot lives in the household of her son-in-law without an income of her own.” With this statement, the Chief Finance Administrator (Oberfinanzpraesident) confirmed the "Aryanization” of Fanny Borchardt’s property in 1940. However, the house and the plot at Beim Rauhen Hause 30 remained in the family, and Fanny Borchardt continued to live in her accustomed surroundings with her family for a short time.

Fanny Borchardt was widowed on 31 Aug. 1936. Her husband, Hugo Borchardt, died of stomach cancer and "severe general physical decline” after spending several weeks in the Israelite Hospital (Israelitisches Krankenhaus) on Eckernfoerder Straße. He was born on 5 June 1878 in Rogasen in the then Prussian province of Posen as the son of Salomon Borchardt, a teacher, and his wife Sophie, née Rosenthal, and became a merchant. The circumstances of his moving to Hamburg are unknown.

When he married Fanny Hildesheim in 1904, he lived at Kollaustraße 24 in Hamburg-Lokstedt. Fanny Hildesheim was born on 18 Mar. 1881 at Glashuettenstraße 34 in Hamburg-St. Pauli. Her parents were the banker Gedaliah Hildesheim and Friederike, known as Rika, née Wolff. They moved to Eimsbuetteler Marktplatz 20 around the turn of the century. Hugo Borchardt and Fanny Hildesheim married in Hamburg on 19 May 1904. They joined the Jewish Community in Hamburg-Wandsbek and moved to the Alt-Rahlstedt district the following year, where Fanny Borchardt’s parents Gedaljah and Rika Hildesheim lived. They presumably belonged to both communities and paid a regular annual fee of 15 RM to the German-Jewish Community Hamburg (Deutsch-Israelitische Gemeinde Hamburg). Their four daughters were born in Alt-Rahlstedt between 1908 and 1911: Käthe, the twins Anni and Meta and finally Gertrud.

In 1925, Hugo Borchardt purchased a plot at Rudolfstraße 30 in Hamburg-Horn; the street was later renamed "Beim Rauhen Hause.” Fanny Borchardt’s mother moved in with her daughter and her family. She had no means besides a small pension, for which reason the German-Jewish Communtiy Hamburg did not demand any fees at all from her through her death on 18 Jan. 1934.

The only information about the daughters’ vocational training is that Anni, born 12 Nov. 1909, completed a commercial apprenticeship and worked as an office clerk. Her twin sister did not go through vocational training. In 1936, the year her father died, she emigrated to Denmark, having married a Loeb, and arrived in Palestine in 1937. The couple joined the kibbuz Givath Chaim.

Käthe Borchardt also became a clerk and got her first steady job with the company Weill + Reinke in Spaldingstraße 156/160 in Hamburg-Hammerbrook. She gave it up when she married Paul Schelesnjakoff or Jelesniakow, born on 22 Dec. 1896 in Hamburg, in 1937 and went to Paris with him. Paul was the son of the correspondence clerk Naftal-Herz Schelesnjakoff and his wife Marie, née Traube.

Gertrud, born on 7 Nov. 1911, married a non-Jew, truck driver Wilhelm Duelfer. Thanks to this "mixed marriage” ("Mischehe”), the family was at first able to keep its real estate. However, the building was badly damaged during the major bombing attack on 27/28 July 1943 and was uninhabitable. Wilhelm Duelfer died in 1946. The house was renovated in 1956 after being sold to another owner. In 1972, it became the property of the "Rauhes Haus,” a social service institution.

Following Hugo Borchardt’s death in 1936, Fanny Borchardt survived on rental income and the support of her daughter Gertrud.

Anni Borchardt married Alfred Levy from Brodenbach on the Moselle. He had been born there as the son of Salomon Levy and his wife Veronika, née Guenther, on 8 June 1896. Alfred Levy studied electrical engineering and moved to Hamburg in 1930 after he had been in Blankenese for two weeks and had been registered with the Jewish Community of Altona. He led a checkered life, moving several times, returning temporarily to Brodenbach in 1932, and working first as an employee and then for himself. He interrupted his membership in the German-Jewish Community Hamburg (Deutsch-Israelitische Gemeinde Hamburg) only while he was in Brodenbach and regularly paid his dues through 1940, their amount depending on his income. Alfred Levy and Anni Borchardt got married, presumably in 1938. Their daughter Tirze was born on 31 July 1939. For a short time, they lived together with Anni’s sister Gertrud Duelfer in the house where the sisters had grown up.

On 10 Aug. 1940, Fanny Borchardt moved to Rothenbaumchaussee 95, but she was listed under the address "Beim Rauhen Hause 30” in the Hamburg Address Directory through 1943. Anni and Alfred Levy moved to Beneckestraße, Anni with her daughter Tirze to the "Jews’ house” ("Judenhaus”) No. 4; Alfred lived, separated from them, in No. 11. They were also deported separately: Alfred left Hamburg on 8 Nov. 1941 to Minsk, Anni followed with Tirze on 18 Nov. 1941. After the second transport had arrived, the family reunited. Nothing further is known about what happened to Alfred, Anni and Tirze Levy.

Fanny Borchardt received her deportation orders to the "Ghetto for the Elderly” ("Altersgetto”) Theresienstadt at her new address. She left her hometown on 23 June 1943 on a transport of 109 Hamburg Jews. It was not possible to determine whether she still maintained contact with her daughters. After eleven months in the ghetto of Theresienstadt, Fanny Borchardt was assigned to a transport to Auschwitz on 15 May 1944 and was presumably murdered directly upon her arrival. She was 63 years old.

Translator: Sandra H. Lustig
Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.

© Hildegard Thevs

Quellen: 1; 2 R 1940/712, Hamburger Adressbücher; Archiv des Rauhen Hauses; 332-5 Standesämter, 2001+1368/1881, 9123+2296/1896, H 20/364, 1053 + 310/1936 Hugo Borchardt, StaH 351-11, 5412;; 352-5, StA 2a/1936; 522-1, 992 d Band 4, Steuerakten, 992 e 2, Band 2 (darin Alfred Levys Adresse irrtümlich mit Beneckestraße 11 statt 4 angegeben); Verbandsgemeinde Rhein-Mosel, Sachgebiet 2.1.1, Heirats- und Geburtsurkunden; JFHH O3-70;; Briefe von Fanny Borchardt und Anni Levy an Käte Schlesnjakoff, 1939 bis 1943; Mitteilungen von Angehörigen, 2014, und von Helga Krohn, 2015.
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