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Already layed Stumbling Stones

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Alfred Aron * 1886

Eppendorfer Landstraße 46 (Hamburg-Nord, Eppendorf)

1941 Lodz
1942 ermordet in Chelmno

further stumbling stones in Eppendorfer Landstraße 46:
Bertha Engers, Bertha Margaretha Haurwitz, Dr. Rudolf Haurwitz, Henriette Hofmann, Siegfried Marcus, Martha Markus, Elsa Meyerhof, Käte Meyerhof, Olga Reyersbach

Alfred Aron, born 19 Apr. 1886 in Bremen, deported 25 Oct. 1941 to Lodz, deported from Lodz 10 Sep. 1942 to the Chelmno extermination camp
Ida Aron, née Sussmann, born 6 Nov. 1893 in Kumehnen, Samland District, East Prussia (modern-day Kumachëvo in the Kaliningrad Oblast), probably deported 25 Oct. 1941 to Lodz

Eppendorfer Landstraße 46

The date of Alfred Aron’s arrival in Hamburg is unknown. He was born in 1886 in Bremen to Daniel Aron and his wife Amalie, née Levy.

Aron was a businessman and owned a fuel trading agency, which he was forced to give up in 1938. He was also a commissioned coal salesman for the Burmeister Brothers (Gebr. Burmeister) coal company in Hamburg. It can be assumed that he was financially well-situated, considering his previous addresses in Eppendorf – Haynstraße 20, Kremperstraße 9, Tarpenbekstraße 60. The couple’s last residence at Eppendorfer Landstraße 46, where they lived until their deportation, was a five-room apartment with valuable furnishings, according to the testimonies of several acquaintances. In addition to his income from his fuel trading agency, Aron received a small veteran’s disability pension.

Alfred Aron had two sons from his first marriage to Johanna Lindenborn (*1886). She died in 1930.

In 1932 he married Ida Sussmann, who was born on 6 November 1893 in Kumehnen in the East Prussian district of Samland (modern-day Kumachëvo in the Kaliningrad Oblast). The couple had no children.

Because of the increasingly unbearable conditions in Germany, the family made plans to emigrate. The sons chose Palestine as their destination, and the parents attempted to emigrate to Rhodesia or Chile.

Aron’s son Martin (*4 May 1913 in Hamburg) completed a commercial apprenticeship at the Hamburg import company Franz Kauders & Co. He and his wife Rosa (née Josephs, *13 Dec. 1913) moved to Denmark in 1939. There he completed an agricultural training program, with the financial support of the Reich Representative Council of Jews in Germany (Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland), with the goal of emigrating to Palestine. He later became a US citizen.

Aron’s second son Werner (*31 Aug. 1914 in Hamburg) also completed a commercial apprenticeship and then attended a Hachschara, a vocational school that trained young Jews in an agricultural or technical profession in preparation for their emigration to Palestine. He emigrated to Palestine, probably at the end of the 1930s.

In 1938 Alfred Aron was forced to give up his fuel trading agency. The Gesatpo arrested him on 9 November 1938, probably in connection with the November pogroms (Kristallnacht). He was taken into "protective custody” at the Fuhlsbüttel police prison, and sent to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp for about one month.

Alfred and Ida Aron had applied for permission to emigrate to Rhodesia or Chile in 1939. They had already made extensive plans – in 1940 a list of the items they wanted to take with them was approved. But their plans fell through, probably because of the outbreak of the war.

Whether to supplement their own income or to help others in need, the Arons rented out rooms in their home to various people during their last years in Hamburg. A nephew, Oskar Judelowitz, who, according to the registration index, left Hamburg for Liepāja, Latvia on 26 July 1940, lived with them for a time. On 23 April 1940 Manfred Flatov (*23 Apr. 1940) and Siegfried Friedel Flatov (*16 May 1928), both from Berlin, moved in. On the same day Mindel Sussmann (*21 August 1887), Ida’s sister, moved from Königsberg (modern-day Kaliningrad) to live with them. She returned to Königsberg on 6 August 1941. On 24 September 1940 Antonia Kahan, née Sussman, moved in. She returned to Berlin on 7 October 1941. Bertha Haurwitz (see Biographies: Bertha Haurwitz) lived with the Arons from 3 February 1941 until 24 October 1941, when she committed suicide on the day before she was to be deported to Lodz.

On 25 October 1941, the 55-year-old Alfred Aron was deported to the Lodz ghetto, and from there, on 19 September 1942, to the Chelmno extermination camp. His wife almost certainly suffered the same fate, although her name is not on the deportation list for the 25 October transport. Both Alfred and Ida were declared dead at the end of 1945. The family’s belongings, including their valuables and jewelry, were confiscated and auctioned off. The proceeds from the auction and the money in their bank accounts were also confiscated.

Translator: Amy Lee
Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.

© Birgit Burgänger

Quellen: 1; 4; 5; 7; StaH 351-11 AfW Abl.2008/1, 190586 Aron, Alfred; StaH 314-15 OFP, Fvg 4519: StaH 314-15 OFP, R1939/3125; StaH 332-8 Meldewesen A 51 (Aron Alfred und Ida); StaH 522-1 Jüd. Gemeinden, 992e2 Band 1; Meyer, Verfolgung, 2006; schriftl. Auskunft Gedenkstätte Museum Sachsenhausen v. 6.11.2008.
Zur Nummerierung häufig genutzter Quellen siehe Recherche und Quellen.

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