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Already layed Stumbling Stones
Max Ernest Duvert * 1945
Essener Straße 54 (Hamburg-Nord, Langenhorn)
GEB. 11.5.1945
TOT 22.5.1945
further stumbling stones in Essener Straße 54:
Tamara Balenow, Elfriede Barabanowa, Jury Belikowa, namenloses Mädchen Beltschikowa, Walentina Beretschnoj, Victor Bilous, Elsa Borisowa, Vladimir Bowton, Leopold Colman, Anatoli Dubskaja, Serge Duvert, Knabe Fedyk, Swetlana Harkawtschuk, Anatoli Kobilko, Luja Kolomejtschuk, Ilda Konforowitsch, Waldemar Kosowzow, Schura Kotschezeschko, Paul Kowalewa, Alex Kritzkaja, Valentin Lewonenko, Raisa Lomonossowa, Josef Mrosowska, Galina Nasarowa, Luba Nesterowitsch, Alexandra Nikolajew, Maria Ostagowa, Sina Paratschenko, Annatoli Podwinskaja, Damara Pogrebnikowa, Lydia Poliwara, Iwan Poliwara, Regina Larissa Prieditis, Iwan Ragulina, Wasilij Romanenko, Alexander Sabluswitschke, Klawa Schurawel, Anatoli Slusar, Namenloses Mädchen Solowey, Knabe Stefa, Valentin Tkatschow, Viktor Tomaschuk, Luba Tulup, Sigmund Tuschinska, René-Yves Vitel, Boris Wenik, Genja Woronez, Walodja Woronzow, Anatoli Zebenko
Max Ernest Duvert, born on 11.5.1945 in Hamburg, died on 22.5.1945
Essener Street 54, formerly camp Tannenkoppel, Weg 4, also called "Tarpenbek/ Forced labor camp of the armaments industry in Hamburg Langenhorn
Max Ernest Duvert was born in Hamburg on May 11, 1945. His parents, Hélène Julie, née Mouceau, born on August 24, 1917 in Nemours, and Jules Ernest Duvert, born on July 31, 1917, also in Nemours, were of the Catholic faith and had married there on May 31, 1941. Deported from their native France, they were initially forced to perform forced labor in Hamburg-Langenhorn for the Hanseatische Kettenwerk GmbH (HAK), Hélène since October 29, 1942, Jules since April 14, 1943. They were housed separately in the women's and men's camps in the "Gemeinschaftslager Tarpenbeck," Weg 4.
On May 27, 1944, Hélène Duvert gave birth to her first son Serge in the Alsterdorf Hospital, who died at the age of two months on August 8, 1944, in the Wintermoor Hospital.
Since the end of November 1944, Serge's father, Jules Ernest Duvert, a baker, was considered to be "of unknown address". Whether he had already been able to escape to France, which had been liberated since August 25, 1944, or whether he had been assigned to forced labor elsewhere, has not yet been clarified.
Hélène Duvert had been employed as a kitchen help in Sportstraße, Groß-Borstel, since February 12, 1945, and was housed in the communal camp of the German Labor Front (DAF) there. She received a monthly "salary" of RM 33.50 as well as rations (her personnel file bore the mark L. H. 2209.).
Three days after the end of the war, on the day of the birth of her child, Hélène Julie Duvert was admitted to the Eppendorf University Hospital. At 8:00 a.m. on May 11, 1945, she gave birth in a spontaneous delivery to an "almost mature" boy.
Her second son, Max Ernest, was 48 cm tall and weighed 2800 grams. During the puerperium, which was feverish, Hélène Julie Duvert contracted measles. After three days, they were transferred to Pavilion 63 on May 13, 1945. Max Ernest's life lasted only a few days. On May 22, 1945, he died in the Eppendorf University Hospital.
In the hospital's obituary, the cause of death is listed as "measles", "pneumonia", heart and circulatory weakness" and May as the signing physician.
Max Ernest was 11 days old.
Seven days after his death, his burial took place on May 29, 1945, at Ohlsdorf Cemetery. His grave (grave location: Q 39, row 17, no. 31) was located near the grave site of his brother Serge. Both graves are no longer preserved. At the end of 1959 they were levelled together with at least 146 graves of children of forced laborers on area Q 39.
Jules Ernest Duvert had already returned to France at that time.
A Stolperstein for Max Ernest was dedicated on June 27, 2018, next to that of his brother Serge from the Tannenkoppel camp in Essener Straße, Langenhorn.
Translation Beate Meyer
Stand: February 2023
© Margot Löhr
Quellen: Standesamt Hamburg-Eppendorf, Geburtsregister 991/1945 Max Ernest Duvert; StaH 131-1 II, 518 Listen der während des Zweiten Weltkrieges in Hamburg verstorbenen und beigesetzten ausländischen Zivilarbeiter, S. 85, S. 176; 131-1 II_2721 Listen der Gräber von im Zweiten Weltkrieg verstorbenen ausländischen Zivilisten auf Hamburger Friedhöfen, S. 31; StaH 131-1 II, 3896 Listen der in Hamburg während des Zweiten Weltkrieg ums Leben gekommenen Ausländer. Band 1: Franzosen, S. 30; StaH 332-5, Sterberegister 9959 u. 1127/1945 Max Ernest Duvert; StaH 332-8, A 48 Alphabetische Meldekartei der Ausländer 1939–1945; StaH 332-8 Meldewesen, Hausmeldekartei, 741-4 Fotoarchiv, K 2357 Sportstraße DAF Lager; ITS Archives, Bad Arolsen, Copy of Geburtsurkunde / 76949519 Max Ernest Duvert, Sterbeurkunde / 77083251 Max Ernest Duvert, DE ITS HA 001 11 FRA ZM/70646945/70642598, DE ITS HA 001 11 NiE ZM/70647749;, eingesehen 17.2.2016; Archiv Friedhofsverwaltung Ohlsdorf, Beerdigungsregister 1945.