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Already layed Stumbling Stones

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Konrad Garcia * 1936

Wrangelstraße 10 (Eimsbüttel, Hoheluft-West)

1941 Riga

further stumbling stones in Wrangelstraße 10:
Louis Bär, Arthur Ascher Elias, Caroline Elias, Rosa Garcia, Alma Grellert, Clara Löwenburg

Rosa Garcia, born on 29 Oct. 1906 in Hamburg, deported on 6 Dec. 1941 to Riga
Konrad Garcia, born on 6 Oct. 1936 in Hamburg, deported on 6 Dec. 1941 to Riga

Wrangelstrasse 10

Rosa Garcia, née Fischbein, born on 2 June 1876 in Rzeszow/Galicia, deported on 25 Oct. 1941 to Lodz

Bundesstrasse 43, Rotherbaum

The Garcia family was a Sephardic family whose actual name was Garcia de los Reyes. Rosa Garcia was the daughter of Fanny Garcia, née Lippstadt, and Jakob Garcia. She had a twin brother, Rolf, and four other siblings. A Jewish religious tax (Kultussteuer) file card was set up for Rosa only in 1939. Prior to that, she was not a member of the Jewish Community and was forced that year to join the Reich Association [of Jews in Germany] (Reichsvereinigung [der Juden in Deutschland]), whose branch the Hamburg Jewish Community was.

Her illegitimate son Konrad had only just turned five when both of them were deported. Rosa Garcia lived at Wrangelstrasse 10 (in the Nazi period: Belowdamm). In the terminology of the National Socialists, Konrad was a "half-Jew of the first degree” ("Mischling ersten Grades”). Consequently, his father was not Jewish. The national census data contained a note that Konrad was in the foster care of a certain Rosin family, at Grindelhof 95. Perhaps his single mother had to accommodate him there in order to be able to work and earn a living for both of them. In addition, she rented out rooms. In 1939, Jettchen and Arnulf Behr lived with Rosa Garcia as subtenants. Jettchen was Jewish, her husband a "half-Jew” ("Halbjude”). At the time of the deportation, other subtenants, Alma Grellert, Clara Löwenburg, and Louis Bär (see corresponding entry) also lived at Wrangelstrasse. All three were deported a few weeks before Rosa and Konrad.

For a while, Rosa Garcia resided at Wrangelstrasse together with her sister Gertrud Erika Garcia, who worked as a stenographer. This occupation is also entered on the tax card for Rosa. Gertrud’s baby, Rolf Garcia, died in Jan. 1936 at the age of only 13 days. Gertrud emigrated to Britain in early 1939. The same year Rosa Garcia’s nephew was born and died, she gave birth to her son Konrad.

In Hamburg lived another woman by the name of Rosa Garcia, who was born on 2 June 1876 in Rzeszow and was deported to Lodz on 25 Oct. 1941. She had married into the Garcia family based in Altona. Her maiden name was Rosa Fischbein and her parents were Josef Fischbein and Jetti, née Schindler. Rosa came to Bremen as a child along with her parents. In 1901, she married Max Garcia and initially moved with him probably to Northeim, later to Altona, where he managed a department store. The married couple had three children: Frieda (born in 1902), Bella (born in 1903), and Kurt (born in 1906). The daughters were born in Northeim, the son in Altona. In 1929, the mother moved to Hamburg and operated a "Lindor” store for stockings, underwear, and gloves in Dehnheide, receiving assistance in the store by her daughter Bella. Rosa Garcia’s last address was in the Warburg-Stift, a former residential home, at Bundesstrasse 43 on the fourth floor, from where she was deported. Her daughters Bella and Frieda later lived in the USA, her son Kurt in Israel.

Translator: Erwin Fink

Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.

© Susanne Lohmeyer

Quellen: 1; 4; 5; 8; StaH 332-5 Standesämter, 1053 und 52/1936; StaH 351-11 AfW, 2899; StaH 522-1 Jüdische Gemeinden, 992e2 Bd 3, Deportationsliste; HAB II 1941; BArch. Liste der jüdischen Einwohner im Deutschen Reich 1933–1945; BArch Berlin, R 1509, Ergänzungskarten für Angaben über Abstammung (Volkszählung v. 17.5.1939) ehem. BDC, RKN 10.
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