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Already layed Stumbling Stones
Emil Emanuel Badrian * 1859
Grindelhof 30 (TTS) (Eimsbüttel, Rotherbaum)
1943 Theresienstadt
ermordet 08.10.1943
- TTR Stolpersteine am Grindelhof 30 Dokumentation.pdf (PDF, 7 Seiten, 505 KB)
further stumbling stones in Grindelhof 30 (TTS):
Dr. Walter Bacher, Asriel Brager, Ilse Brager, Sally Brager, Dr. Joseph Carlebach, Dr. Hermann Freudenberger, Josua Falk Friedlaender, Julius Hamburger, Walter Nathan Herz, Bertha Hirsch, Leopold Hirsch, Dr. Alberto Jonas, Benno Kesstecher, Heinz Leidersdorf, Richard Levi, Emil Nachum, Mathias Stein, Artur Toczek
Emanual Emil Badrian, born 27 Apr. 1859 in Beuthen, Upper Silesia, deported 23 June 1943 to Theresienstadt, died there 8 Oct. 1943
Grindelhof 30
In June 2007, seventeen Stolperstein were placed at the building of the former Talmud Tora School at Grindelhof 30 in memory of the teachers and staff who were murdered by the Nazi regime. One of these Stolpersteine is for the head teacher Emanuel Emil Badrian.
Emanuel Emil Badrian was the eldest of the five children of Hirschel Badrian (born 19 May 1831 in Pilgramsdorf, Silesia, died 12 Aug. 1885 in Beuthen) and Rosalie, nee Cohn (born 1828 in Pless, Upper Silesia, died 27 June 1906 in Beuthen). Hirschel Badrian was a grain trader with his own company at Tarnowitzstraße 13 in Beuthen. Rosalie Badrian took care of the growing family. Emanuel Emil attended the Gymnasium in Beuthen. He graduated in 1880 and went on to study history, geography and languages at the University of Wroclaw. Six years later, he passed his state examination and began his career as a teacher at the Johannes Gymnasium in Wroclaw.
He began teaching in Hamburg on 1 Apr. 1891 at the orthodox Talmud Tora School, which was recognized a year later as a junior high school. At that time, the school was still at Kohlhöfen 20 in the Hamburg Neustadt. Because of the rapidly growing number of students, a new building was necessary. Construction began at Grindelhof 30, and the ribbon was cut on the new school in December 1911.
Emanuel Emil Badrian married Bella Hanover on December 7, 1893. She was born on 20 Oct. 1866 in Wandsbek, and came from an Orthodox Jewish family. Like her husband, she was the eldest of five children. Her parents, Rabbi David Hanover and his wife Rika, called Hanna, nee Hirsch, lived in Wandsbek at Königstraße 30. Bella and Emanuel Emil Badrian moved into a flat at Laufgraben 14 where they lived for about ten years. From 1905 to 1915, the Hamburg address book had a listing for Emanuel Emil Badrian, head teacher, at Grindelberg 13, and from 1916-1917 at Dillstrasse 13. Both of these addresses were near the Bornplatz synagogue, which the couple probably attended on Jewish holidays. Bella and Emanuel Emil Badrian were members of the German-Israelitic Community and the German-Israelitic Synagogue Association.
The consequences of the First World War were felt by the Jews in the Grindel Quarter. A "Jewish census" (officially referred to as "Proof of military-age Jews in the Army") was ordered on 1 Nov. 1916 to review the military service of Jews, who were collectively suspected of being "draft dodgers.” This discriminatory measure was a shock to Jews, the majority of whom were patriotic. The results of this survey showed that Jews, in terms of their share of the population, were represented in the military in the same numbers as were Germans as a whole. The war also influenced the school year 1916-17. More than 100 regulations issued by the secondary school authorities and having to do with war needs such as nutrition, curfews, and even patriotism, had to be implemented.
It was in this atmosphere that Emanuel Emil Badrian celebrated his 25th year of teaching at the Talmud Tora School. After eight more years teaching history, geography and French, he retired on 31 Mar. 1924 at the age of 65. He volunteered with the Jewish Library, and his interest in Hamburg’s history led him to become a member of the Verein für Hamburgische Geschichte (Hamburg History Association) in 1926.
After power was handed to the Nazis in 1933 and persecutory measures against the Jewish population were introduced, the lives of Emanuel Emil and Bella Badrian changed fundamentally. The respected couple, socially engaged and devoted to their city of Hamburg, found themselves in the crosshairs of the Hamburg Main Tax Office in June 1939. The suspicion that the couple intended to emigrate in violation of and circumvention of foreign exchange regulations served as a pretext for placing their assets under a security order, which was nothing less than the confiscation of all assets. Their bank accounts were frozen, and their accessible funds reduced to a minimum. The Badrians were reduced to penury.
Emanuel Emil Badrian was expelled from the Verein für Hamburgische Geschichte in November 1938. Under the long-standing chairmanship of Hans Nirrnheim, the association had, unlike many others, allowed Jews to remain members. In March 1938, a new chairman, Kurt Detlev Möller, was named. He was a staunch supporter of the Nazi goals, and in late 1938 all members who were considered Jews according to the Nuremberg Laws were expelled.
As a result of the anti-Jewish measures, the Badrians were forced to vacate their apartment at Dillstraße 13 and move first to Papendamm 3, and then in September 1942 into cramped housing at Laufgraben 37. This building had been an orphanage for girls, and in late 1941 converted to a nursing and retirement home. In May 1943 the Badrians were assigned to the "Jews house” at Beneckestraße 6, the former community center of the Jewish community.
On 23 June 1943, the 84-year-old Emanual Badrian and his 76-year-old wife Bella, along with 106 other people, were deported to the Theresienstadt Ghetto. Emanuel Badrian did not survive the ghetto. He died on 8 Oct. 1943.
Bella Badrian was liberated from Theresienstadt on 1 Aug. 1945. She returned to Hamburg and lived in the Jewish Nursing Home at Rothenbaumchaussee 217. On 31 July 1947 she left Hamburg for London, where her sister Adele Levy lived. She died there on 24 Nov. 1949.
In addition to the Stolperstein for Emanuel Emil Badrian at the Talmud Tora School, another was placed for him at Dillstraße 13. Both are in memory of a man who was devoted to his city, and, in his 33-year teaching career, helped prepare countless students for their futures.
Translator: Amy Lee
Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.
© Christina Igla
Quellen: 1; 4; 5; StaH: 131-11 Personalamt 901; 351-11 Amt für Wiedergutmachung 1118 (Bella Badrian); 332-7 Staatsangehörigkeitsaufsicht B III 83602; 522-1 Jüdischer Religionsverband/Fürsorgewesen 992n Band 1; Grolle/Lorenz: Der Ausschluss, S. 34–42 u. 103ff.; Gottwald/Schulle: Die "Judendeportation", Wiesbaden 2005, S. 361; Randt: Die Talmud-Tora-Schule, S. 110; Stein: Jüdische Baudenkmäler, S. 108 u. 113; (letzter Aufruf: 6.7.2016); Hamburger Adressbücher 1895–1940; https://en.wikipeählung (letzter Aufruf: 5.7.2016).
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