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Already layed Stumbling Stones

Fritz Kahn * 1893

Loogestieg 17 (Hamburg-Nord, Eppendorf)

1941 Lodz
ermordet am 16.11.1942

further stumbling stones in Loogestieg 17:
Gertrud Breslauer, Rosa Kahn

Fritz Kahn, born on 20 Mar. 1893 in Trier, deported on 25 Oct. 1941 to Lodz, died there on 16 Nov. 1942
Rosa Kahn, née Buxbaum, born on 21 June 1903 in Regensburg, deported on 25 Oct. 1941 to Lodz, deported further to Chelmno on 28 June 1942

Loogestieg 17

Fritz and Rosa Kahn were married since 24 Apr. 1935. He was the son of the Jewish couple Jakob and Rosa Kahn (sic!) from Trier, whose own maiden name was Kahn (born in 1851). During the last years of her life, his mother lived with him in Hamburg and he cared for her, until she died at a very old age in Sept. 1940.

Rosa Kahn, the wife of Fritz, was the daughter of the Regensburg Jews Bernhard and Rita Buxbaum, née Gerstle.

Fritz Kahn was a very successful merchant. Rosa worked as a manufacturer of crafts products and as a seamstress.

Based in his office building at Grosse Reichenstrasse 15/17, he organized large-scale trading in weaving products and equipment in Germany and abroad, especially to Britain, Belgium, and the Netherlands. In addition, for the renowned loom manufacturer Schaufuss and Grimm from Reichenbach in the Vogtland region, he brokered the licenses for that company’s patents.

When instances of anti-Semitic harassment and persecution increased steadily, Kahn used his extensive connections, preparing for emigration. At the end of 1937, he acquired a general license with Schaufuss and Grimm for the company’s patents in Belgium and initiated the emigration procedure. In response, the customs investigation department had the offices of business partners of Kahn searched, accusing him of intending to circumvent the regulations of foreign currency control. His assets were placed under "security order” ("Sicherheitsanordnung”) on 14 July 1938 and his passport taken away on 30 July 1938. At this point, the Schaufuss and Grimm Company wanted to rid itself of all problems with the Jewish man and severed all relations to its agent, once so useful to them. On the orders of the Office of the Hamburg Chief Finance Administrator (Oberfinanzpräsidium), a commission not paid out as yet, amounting to 7,600 RM (reichsmark), had to be deposited in a blocked account, thus withdrawing it from his free disposal. The attempt to escape from Germany had failed.

On 25 Oct. 1941, Fritz and Rosa Kahn were deported to the Lodz Ghetto.

Rosa was deported further on 28 June 1942, "for work,” as her deregistration form stated. The note obscures the fact that on 28 June, Transport 78 departed for Chelmno, with the aim of murdering the deportees. Rosa Kahn had transport number 669; she reached the age of 39.

Fritz perished, as the form entitled "deregistration” ("Abmeldung”) documented, on 16 Nov. 1942 of dropsy. Dropsy is considered a result of starvation. Fritz Kahn reached the age of 49.

Translator: Erwin Fink

Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.

Stand: October 2016
© Johannes Grossmann

Quellen: 1; 2; 4; 5; 8; StaH 314-15 OFP, R 1938/900; 522-1 Jüd. Gemeinden Abl.1993, 15; Archiwum Panstwowe, Lodz (Getto-Archiv), PL-39-278-1011-1109.tif und 1145.tif (Rosa Kahn), PL-39-278-1011-1163.tif und 1164.tif (Fritz Kahn); USHMM, RG 15083, M301/1307-1310, Fritz Neubauer, Universität Bielefeld, E-Mail vom 27.6.2010.
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