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Already layed Stumbling Stones
Ludwig Tebrich * 1885
Carl-Petersen-Straße 46 (Hamburg-Mitte, Hamm)
1942 Theresienstadt
1943 Auschwitz
further stumbling stones in Carl-Petersen-Straße 46:
Helene Marianne Pinkus, Günther Pinkus, Martha Tebrich
Helene Marianne Pinkus, née Tebrich, b. 10.17.1919, deported to Minsk on 11.8.1941
Ludwig Tebrich, b. 6.2.1885, deported to Theresienstadt on 7.15.1942, then deported to Auschwitz on 1.23.1943
Martha Tebrich, née Weinberg, b. 7.12.1891, deported to Theresienstadt on 7.15.1942, then deported to Auschwitz on 1.23.1943
Carl-Petersen-Strasse 46 (Mittelstrasse 46)
Ludwig Tebrich was the youngest of three brothers who came to Hamburg from Saxony. They had six additional siblings. Ludwig was an engineer; the two other brothers were physicians. Paul, the oldest, died in 1933 and was buried in the Jewish cemetery at Ohlsdorf. His son and widow were able to emigrate.
Ludwig Tebrich and his brother Martin, along with their wives, were deported to Theresienstadt and from there on to Auschwitz. By the time Martin Tebrich arrived in Theresienstadt in 1943, his brother must have already left for Auschwitz.
Ludwig Tebrich had successfully completed training at the Mittweida Technical Center and had become an inventive certified engineer. A friend of the family and his son Heinz (later, Harvey) reported that he did pioneering work during the First World War: he developed for the Imperial Navy the boiler and ventilation systems that all armored vessels utilized. After the war, according to the son, he was taken on by the naval and commercial shipbuilding industry and in 1921 supposedly worked for Blohm & Voss where he developed patents. He worked here until 1936, although without a permanent position.
On 17 October 1915, Ludwig Tebrich and Martha Weinberg got married in Oldenburg, where she was from. Their son Heinz was born on 16 December 1916 and their daughter Helene Marianne on 17 October 1919, both in Hamburg. The family lived in comfortable bourgeois circumstances, until 1935 at Ohlendorffstrasse 13, and then at Mittelstrasse 46.
Heinz attended the four year elementary school and then the Kirchenpauer Modern Secondary School, completing the Abitur certification. Since he was barred from further study, he worked from 31 October 1938 until his dismissal at the banking house M. M. Warburg & Co. and as private tutor. On 1 December 1941, he married Ingeborg Kaufmann, a med-tech assistant at the Israelite Hospital. On 16 May 1941 they were able to emigrate to the USA. Heinz, now with his name changed to Harvey, returned to Europe in 1944 as a soldier in the US Army.
Helene Marianne became a kindergarten teacher. She married the music student Günther Pinkus, b. 11.7.1918 in Dresden. He continued to live with his mother at Lange Reihe 111; the couple did not have a common address. When her husband was summoned for deportation to the Minsk ghetto on 8 November 1941, she and his mother joined him voluntarily.
During 1942, she turned to the friend, mentioned above, with a request that he send her costume jewelry to Minsk, which could be exchanged for goods. Marianne worked in the infirmary there. The friend succeeded in bringing the package to the middleman named by Marianne. Thereafter, he never heard any more about it.
Her father Ludwig Tebrich had no income after 1936 and was supported by relatives. The reasons for this emerge from a certification by the Police President dating from 1939, which Ludwig Tebrich presented to the Jewish Religion Association: his unemployment rested at least in part on illness.
The Tebrichs had tried to emigrate, but the effort failed. In 1941 they moved to Heimhuderstrasse 70. From there they were deported to Theresienstadt on 15 July 1942, and then a half year later to Auschwitz.
Translator: Richard Levy
Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.
Stand: February 2018
© Hildegard Thevs
Quellen: 1; 4; 5; 7; BA Bln., Volkszählung 1939; AfW 161216; schriftliche Mitteilungen von K. H. 2006.
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