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Already layed Stumbling Stones
Hermann Cerini * 1886
Parkallee 4 (Eimsbüttel, Harvestehude)
JG. 1886
- http:/
/ object/ lexm_lexmperson_00002799
(Hermann Cerini in Lexikon verfolgter Musiker und Musikerinnen der NS-Zeit, Musikwissenschaftliches Institut der Universität Hamburg)
further stumbling stones in Parkallee 4:
Hermann Breslauer, Selma Breslauer
Hermann Cerini, born on 26 Jan. 1886 in Zagorow, from 1940 to 1942 detained in the Fuhlsbüttel prison, deported on 23 June 1943 to Theresienstadt, deported to Auschwitz on 28 Oct. 1944
Parkallee 4 (Harvestehude)
Hermann Cerini was born in 1886 in the former Polish town of Zagorow on the Warta as "Hersz Sztejfman.” His birthplace had been annexed by Prussia in 1793 in the course of the Second Partition of Poland, was part of Congress Poland from 1815 after the Congress of Vienna, and from 1831 part of the Russian Tsarist Empire. His sister Rosa was born in Gabin (Russian Poland) in 1884, his brother Fritz (1890–1919) in Berlin (at Lothringerstrasse 60), and his brother Arthur Abraham (1900–1989) in Breslau (today Wroclaw in Poland). Since the citizenship of the father was also transferred to his legitimate children, Rosa, Hermann, and Fritz were Russian citizens, while Arthur had German citizenship due to the naturalization of his father (in 1893).
His father, Selmar (Salomon) Steifmann (Cerini) (1860–1923), came from Wulka/ Lomza Gouvernement (Russian Poland) and did his military service in the Russian-Tatar town of Kazan. From 1879, he served as synagogue cantor in Zagorow near Kalisch (Kalisz) and lived in Breslau from 1887. After a three-year vocal training at the Berlin Hochschule für Musik (Berlin Conservatory), he worked as an opera singer (tenor) at the Breslau City Theater from 1891, and from 1893 (after the change from Russian to German citizenship), he was chief cantor at the New Synagogue of the Jewish Community in Breslau (Schweidnitzer Stadtgraben, opposite the City Theater). He had already acquired the alternative name of Cerini.
Hermann’s mother Rivkah "Regina” Cerini, née Bornstein (1860–1907), daughter of Abraham Bornstein and Ester, née Grin, came from Gombin (Russian Poland). She died in Breslau. The Cerini family had moved to the Silesian metropolis of Breslau in 1887 and lived there from 1900 to 1923 at Schweidnitzer Stadtgraben 8.
Hermann Cerini attended high schools in Breslau, the Johannes-Gymnasium as well as the König-Wilhelms-Gymnasium, which was located near the house. Afterward, he studied music at the conservatory in Breslau for two years (until 1904) and then, at his father’s request, did a commercial apprenticeship in Breslau (1904–1907); in Sept. 1907, he was designated as "Handlungsgehilfe” (= commercial employee) in an official document.
From this time, however, a public performance by Hermann Cerini is also known in Breslau: On 15 Dec. 1906, the Zionist Association of Breslau organized a Maccabean festival, at which he accompanied a singer on the piano. This indicates that he continued to devote himself to art in addition to his bread-and-butter profession. In times of economic crisis, Hermann Cerini was to alternate between the two poles of art and commercial activity. Already at his appearance in Dec. 1906, he went by his main name of Cerini, which his father used as an added name. In 1927, however, the Jewish Community in Hamburg noted "correctly: Steifmann” behind Cerini on his Jewish religious tax (Kultussteuer) file card, and in the Hamburg emigration files, he was listed as "Hermann Steifmann (Cerini).”
In 1910, his father married in Posen in his second marriage the widowed piano teacher Cäcilie (Lina) Finkelstein, née Neufeld, widow of cantor Finkelstein from Leipzig.
Hermann Cerini worked from 1907 to 1919 on various stages as a conductor (Kapellmeister). He is said to have started in Hamburg in 1907 at the Volksschauspielhaus (formerly Tivoli Theater) at Besenbinderhof 50/ Norderstrasse 101/103, which was opened under a new name by director Heinrich Gahl on 26 Nov. 1907, after extensive renovation work. (The Volkstheater, however, offered only straight theater and no musical performances in Nov. and Dec. 1907). After that, Hermann Cerini worked in Bautzen (1908), Paderborn (1908), Lüdenscheid (1909), Lucerne (1910), Gleiwitz [Gliwice] (1911), Essen (1912), Danzig [Gdansk] (1913–1914), as well as at the municipal theater in Katowice (among others, in 1919).
Due to the war, the cultural activities of the Kaiserreich were subject to personnel and financial restrictions from 1914 onward. However, it was not possible to find a residents’ registration card from him either in Bautzen, Paderborn, Lucerne, or Katowice, so that information on the exact length of his stays is missing. At the first stage of his artistic career, his job title and thus his field of activity could be confirmed by a Frankfurt newspaper article. About 15 months later, the Lüdenscheid register of residents listed him for three months as an actor with Russian citizenship. For the towns of Bautzen, Lucerne, Gliwice, Essen, and Gdansk, his position as Kapellmeister is documented in the "New Theater Almanac” (Neues Theater-Almanach). Presumably, as with his father (in 1893), employment as a foreign national in an institution partly under state supervision was problematic. In any case, Hermann Cerini became a German citizen between 1909 and 1914.
In Dec. 1917, Hermann Cerini was drafted into the military (according to the 1940 court sentence), but was discharged again due to a hearing impairment caused by otosclerosis. His brother Fritz Steifmann, who lived in Switzerland (Davos) as an accountant, had been discharged from the army into the reserve force (Landsturm) around 1908. Volunteering for the war in 1914, in Mar. 1915, he had been declared unfit for field duty as a machine-gunner in a machine-gun detachment. On 3 Sept. 1918, he received a war decoration; on 23 Sept. 1919, he died of tuberculosis (Tb), which reportedly originated during his wartime service.
After the First World War, Hermann Cerini worked in Katowice in 1919 as the director of the local city theater. Based on newspaper ads, two guest performances are known from this period, in June 1919 in the Zaborze Concert House (Zabrze, Silesia) and in the City Theater in Gliwice, which Hermann Cerini directed and in which Rosa Robitschek also appeared as a guest dancer. Possibly, the two met there. In Mar. 1921, a plebiscite was held in Upper Silesia on whether to remain in the German Reich – Katowice was then incorporated into the newly founded Polish state.
At this time, Hermann Cerini moved to Leipzig and initially worked there in his trained commercial profession. Together with his brother Arthur, who was 14 years younger, he ran the Metall-Büro GmbH Gohlis (new and old metals), at Hallische Strasse 71 in Leipzig-Gohlis from 1923 to 1924, which was also indicated as being Hermann Cerini’s residential address. Arthur Steifmann, known as Cerini, lived at 16 Menckestrasse. The brothers were members of the Leipzig Jewish Community in 1924. It is not known whether Hermann Cerini was active as a part-time musician.
In 1922, Hermann Cerini married Rosa Maria Robicek/ Robitschek (born on 3 Sept. 1890 in Brünn/Brno in Moravia) in Leipzig. She worked as a ballerina in Basel (1910–1911), Mannheim (1912–1915), and Strasbourg (1918–1919), and as a ballet mistress at the Landestheater in Schwerin (1921–1922). His Catholic wife converted to Judaism parallel to getting married. In 1925, the couple moved with their son Raffael (born on 9 Apr. 1924 in Leipzig) to Hamburg, where their second son Joachim was born (on 9 Sept. 1926).
From 1925 to 1926, Hermann Cerini was engaged in Hamburg as Kapellmeister with the Nordische Rundfunk AG (NORAG), a broadcasting corporation whose studio was located in the building of the Hamburg Telecommunications and Post Office 13 in Schlüterstrasse (Rotherbaum). From about 1926 onward, he was engaged as a musician at Hamburg silent movie theaters as well as cafés. With the beginning of the sound film era in 1929, the employment opportunities for cinema musicians disappeared. The world economic crisis and the overcapacity of seats in Hamburg’s cinemas added to this. During this economically difficult time, he is said to have changed professions again, subsequently working as a real estate agent and mortgage broker from 1930 to 1932. However, the 1931 Official Hamburg Telephone Directory (as of June 1931) still identified him as a Kapellmeister. And he was also listed as such in the 1932 Address Directory.
Since 1927, Hermann Cerini was listed as a member of the Hamburg German-Israelitic Community. Both sons were enrolled in the eight-grade elementary school (Volksschule) on Binderstrasse (Hamburg-Rotherbaum); a later change to a high school was planned. After the "seizure of power” ("Machtergreifung”) by the Nazi party (NSDAP), Jewish students were forced out of the public schools; in part, the ideas of the Nazi state were also actively supported by teachers and students. At this point, Raffael and Joachim Cerini had to change to the Talmud Tora School (at Grindelhof 30). With the "Law against Overcrowding of German Schools and Universities” ("Gesetz gegen die Überfüllung der deutschen Schulen und Universitäten”) passed by Reich Interior Minister Wilhelm Frick on 25 Apr. 1933, the Nazis created the legal basis for expelling Jews from secondary schools and denying them the right to study at universities.
The Cerini family lived in Hamburg at Methfesselstrasse 69/ Eimsbüttel (1927–1928), Pöseldorferweg 25/ Rotherbaum (1929–Nov. 1933) and Parkallee 6 ground floor / Harvestehude (Nov. 1933–1939).
After the NSDAP’s participation in government in 1933, restrictive anti-Jewish regulations made public appearances impossible for Hermann Cerini. The Reich Chamber of Music (Reichsmusikkammer), formed in Nov. 1933 as a department of the Reich Chamber of Culture (Reichskulturkammer), was subordinate to the Reich Ministry of Propaganda. Only those who able to produce an "Aryan certificate” ("Ariernachweis”) could become members, but membership was a prerequisite for permission to perform. In 1933, Hermann Cerini was largely unemployed. He could only try to perform in Jewish circles. On 14 Jan. 1934, he conducted the first public performance at the Curiohaus for the "Jüdische Orchester- und Kammermusik-Vereinigung von 1933” ("Jewish Orchestra and Chamber Music Association of 1933”), which he himself had founded from professional musicians and amateurs. The rehearsals were held in his apartment on Parkallee.
From the summer of 1934 to July 1939, he played the organ at the liberal Temple on Oberstrasse for 100 RM (reichsmark) per month. On 14 Mar. 1935, he accompanied the dedication of the synagogue of the Portuguese-Jewish Community at Innocentiastrasse 37 playing the organ. In Sept. 1935, together with the singer and singing teacher Wolfram Charles Garden (actually Polack, 1882–1950), Hermann Cerini founded the "Jüdische Künstlergruppe” (Jewish Artists’ Group) in Hamburg, the members of which had received little or no opportunities to perform at the "Jewish Cultural Federation” ("Jüdischer Kulturbund”) – the group was expelled from the "Reich Association of Jewish Cultural Federations” ("Reichsverband der Jüdischen Kulturbünde”) in 1938 and disbanded. From 1935 until their emigration in 1940, Wolfram Garden lived with his American wife, the singer Johanna Garden, née Gruber (1887–1974), on the ground floor of Werderstrasse 34 with the treasurer Magdalene Thiemann, not very far from Hermann Cerini.
The noted contributions on Hermann Cerini’s Jewish religious tax (Kultussteuer) file card indicate annual incomes of 1,800 RM (reichsmark) to 2,100 RM for the years 1936 to 1938; presumably, he had additional income as a musician or music teacher. To the foreign currency office, he declared a taxable income of 2,100 RM to 2,700 RM for this period. In a list of assets dating from Jan. 1939, the Cerini couple listed the following musical instruments: 1 grand piano, 1 harmonium, 1 phonograph.
According to the "racial criteria” the Nazis had established, they classified the Cerini couple as being in a "non-privileged mixed marriage” ("nicht-privilegierte Mischehe”) starting in Dec. 1938, since the wife had converted to Judaism when she married in 1922. The older son had been confirmed in 1938 (he took the chrome wristwatch and pocket watch received on this occasion to the USA ten months later).
On 11 Aug. 1938, the Cerini family applied for passports for emigration to the USA at the Hamburg passport office (which was under the control of the police chief). At the end of Oct. 1938, these were available, but were not handed over by the passport office "because the tax clearance certificate [Unbedenklichkeitsbescheinigung] from the tax office and the foreign currency office is missing.” The missing official clearance may have been related to claims of the Hamburger Sparkasse of 1827. An employee of the legal department at that savings bank wrote a brief note to the foreign currency office on 14 Oct. 1938: "We hereby inform you that our debtor, the full Jew Hermann Cerini, Hamburg, Parkallee 6, intends to emigrate. Mr. Cerini still owes us about 1,000 RM. Before permission to leave the country and a tax clearance declaration is issued, we ask you to arrange for Mr. Cerini to settle his obligations with us.”
Two months later, the matter seemed to have been settled for the credit institution and the savings bank employee wrote to Hermann Cerini on 22 Dec. 1938, "In your loan matter, we refer to the oral discussion in our administrative office. We are prepared to drop our claim against you. The waiver of the assertion of our claim against you is made in consideration of the emigration you are planning and is only valid in the event that the emigration actually takes place.” Just which official institution or party structure exerted influence on this decision, negative for the Sparkasse, could not be established in the files of the foreign currency office.
Due to the administrative obstacles, the two 12 and 14 year old sons emigrated first to the USA on their own in Feb. 1939. In New York, brother Arthur and a female cousin of Hermann Cerini took care of the children. In May 1939, Hermann Cerini applied for permission to send 20 RM per month for his sons living in New York (foreign currency export permit), which was rejected two weeks later by the foreign currency office (F3) of the Chief Finance Administrator (Oberfinanzpräsident).
In Apr. 1939, Hermann Cerini first tried to emigrate to Britain without his wife, as he was in greater danger of persecution. The file of the foreign currency office, responsible for emigrations, contained the following note: "Initially only a fact-finding trip of four weeks until about the end of May 1939. Wife stays here.” The German art collector and patron of the arts Valerie Alport, née Mankiewicz (1874–1960), residing in London (9 Caroline Place), had agreed to transfer 400 RM for the travel expenses, for which permission had to be obtained from the Berlin foreign currency office. His Jewish religious tax file card already contained the note "U.B.” ["Unbedenklichkeitsbescheinigung,” i.e., tax clearance certificate) for the planned departure to London. In the baggage list submitted on 8 July 1939, in addition to items of clothing, a hearing aid (from 1933), another hearing aid (from 1939), a typewriter, a camera, as well stationary and music paper were detailed.
The foreign currency office summoned him by telephone for questioning on 11 July 1939. This was followed by the arrest of 53-year-old Hermann Cerini on 19 July 1939, by which the Nazi state put an end to his emigration efforts. The state authorities investigated him for the crime of "racial defilement” ("Rassenschande”). This provided the police and courts with the opportunity to impose prison sentences according to Nazi views on Jews who had had intimate contact with non-Jewish women or who were accused of having such contact. Hermann Cerini was supposed to have started a relationship with a schoolgirl. He was sent to the "Grosse Bleichen pretrial detention facility,” as his wife later testified for the record (presumably, this was the building complex at Grosse Bleichen 23-27 called "Kaisergalerie,” where various government offices had premises, including the employment office, the office for war victims, the building police office, and a detachment of the uniformed police force [Schutzpolizei] on the fourth floor). The prison administration noted on its file card 1 Aug. 1939 as the date of admission and an undated subsequent transfer to the Fuhlsbüttel penitentiary.
In Feb. 1940, the Hamburg Regional Court (Landgericht) sentenced Hermann Cerini to three years in prison for "racial defilement.” The presiding judge by the name of Wehlen, the associate judges Dauwes and (assistant judge) Müller as well as the public prosecutor Horstmann saw a serious violation of the Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor (Gesetz zum Schutze des deutschen Blutes und der deutschen Ehre), which was also reflected in the sentence. Their reasoning was as follows: "In the assessment of the penalty, the fact that the accused, as a married man, had initiated relations with a much younger German-blooded woman in the first place, even though he was still her teacher and instructor at the time of the beginning of the acquaintance, constitutes an aggravating aspect. The fact that the accused was employed by the Jewish Community must also be taken into account as an aggravating factor. He was thus particularly closely connected with Judaism. If he nevertheless, even after the enactment of the Nuremberg Laws....” (etc.).
(Judge Hermann Wehlen (1903–1969), a member of the NSDAP and the SA since 1933, was also a judicial assistant at the Gau court of the NSDAP (party honor court) since 1939 and moved to the Hanseatic special court as a judge in July 1941; there he was responsible, among other things, for five death sentences. Judge Ernst-August Dauwes (born in 1910), a member of the NSDAP since 1931, completed his law studies in 1936; was a judge at the party honor court since 1937, a regional court judge (Landgerichtsrat) since 1939, serving at the special court as well since June 1940).
After the end of the three-year prison sentence, Hermann Cerini was not released, but was instead held as a "protective custody prisoner” ("Schutzhäftling”) from 22 July 1942. His planned deportation to a concentration camp was postponed due to his very poor state of health. On 7 Oct. 1942, he was reportedly transferred to the Jewish Hospital for a short time. His last address in Hamburg was Schäferkampsallee 29 (Eimsbüttel). In 1942, the Gestapo declared the local nursing home of the German-Israelitic Community a "Jews’ house” ("Judenhaus”), where Jews were quartered for the scheduled deportations. From 15 Sept. 1942 onward, the Jewish Hospital was moved there from Johnsallee 68 and 54.
During the three years of imprisonment, his wife had not divorced him. Only the threat of deportation to a concentration camp and the promises of the Gestapo to intern him in a less severe camp in the event of a divorce led to a change of opinion. At the same time, in the event of a divorce, the non-Jewish wife had the prospect of being spared from the anti-Jewish repression and once again considered part of the "Aryan German national community.” The marriage was divorced due to adulterous relationships of Hermann Cerini on 2 Oct. 1942. Rosa Cerini was represented by the law firm of Oswald Barber (1877–1951) and his son Percy Barber.
Hermann Cerini declined being represented by a "Jewish legal adviser” (Konsulent). The divorce decree noted, "he did not agree to the divorce, but he could not dispute the accusation made against him, though the plaintiff (his wife) had forgiven him.” Rosa Cerini resigned from the Jewish Religious Organization (Jüdischer Religionsverband) on 28 Jan. 1943, according to the Jewish religious tax card file.
After three years in prison, the Hamburg Gestapo deported Hermann Cerini to the Theresienstadt Ghetto on 23 June 1943, from where he was further deported to the Auschwitz extermination camp on 28 Oct. 1944. A Stolperstein was laid for him in 2009 at Parkallee 4.
His sister Rosa Jospe, née Steifmann (Cerini) (born on 23 Jan. 1884 in Gabin) married the cantor Josef Jospe (born on 27 July 1878 in Rogowo) in Breslau in 1906 and lived with him in the Silesian towns of Bunzlau, Glatz, and Oppeln. At the time of the census of May 1939, they lived at Ludwigstrasse 11 (today Powstancow) in Oppeln (Opole) on the Oder river island of Pascheka (Pasieka). Josef Jospe was cantor of the Jewish Community in Opole from 1918 until his death in 1939. One year after his death, Rosa Jospe moved to Berlin, where her oldest son Erwin Jospe (1907–1983) had lived since 1927 and studied musicology (he emigrated to the USA with his wife and daughter in Mar. 1938). Rosa Jospe resided in Berlin-Wilmersdorf at Helmstedter Strasse 23, as a subtenant of Miriam Olitzki (born on 29 Apr. 1880 in Berlin). The house was home to other members of the Jospe family; until his emigration, her son Erwin Jospe had also lived here. Rosa Jospe was deported from Berlin to the Auschwitz extermination camp on 12 Jan. 1943 and murdered. She is commemorated by an acrylic glass plaque on the house at Helmstedter Strasse 23.
Hermann Cerini’s brother Arthur Cerini (born on 9 June 1900 in Breslau) had been severely mistreated by the Nazis. The head injuries resulted in hearing damage, which he suffered from throughout his life. Arthur Cerini managed to emigrate from Hamburg to the USA in May 1937. According to the passenger list, he lived in Frankfurt before leaving the country. He received an affidavit of support, a document he needed for entry, from his cousin Betty Lean, née Barr/Bornsiak (1892–1976), who had already emigrated to the USA. In 1944, he was naturalized in the USA.
His wife Rosa Cerini left Bremen for the USA in 1947, where she was naturalized in 1953, passing away in 1976.
Translator: Erwin Fink
Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.
Stand: September 2020
© Björn Eggert
Quellen: StaH (Staatsarchiv Hamburg) 213-11 (Landgericht Hamburg), 59507 (ehemals 1242/40, Hermann Steifmann); StaH 221-11 (Staatskommissar für die Entnazifizierung), 42558 (Ernst-August Dauwes); StaH 221-11 (Staatskommissar für die Entnazifizierung), Z 2765 (Hermann Wehlen); StaH 314-15 (Oberfinanzpräsident), FVg 3184 (Raffael u. Joachim Steifmann); StaH 314-15 (Oberfinanzpräsident), R 1938/2567 (Hermann Steifmann gen. Cerini "Sicherungsmaßnahmen"); StaH 314-15 (Oberfinanzpräsident), FVg 5730 (Hermann u. Rosa Cerini); StaH 324-1 (Baupolizei), K 540 (Akte der Hamburger Feuerwehr, betrifft Besenbinderhof 50 Theater, 1894-1924); StaH 351-11 (Amt für Wiedergutmachung), 46969 (Rosa Cerini); StaH 351-11 (Amt für Wiedergutmachung), 8270 (Rosa Cerini/ Steifmann); StaH 351-11 (Amt für Wiedergutmachung), 47061 (Jack Cerini); StaH 351-11 (Amt für Wiedergutmachung), 8271 (Ralph Cerini); StaH 351-11 (Amt für Wiedergutmachung), 8272 (Jack Cerini); StaH 351-11 (Amt für Wiedergutmachung), 9461 (Johanna Garden); StaH 361-2 II (Oberschulbehörde II, Höheres Schulwesen), Abl. 2007/1, 96 (Privatunterricht Gesang, Wolfram Garden, 1933-1939); StaH 522-1 (Jüdische Gemeinde), 992b (Kultussteuerkartei der Deutsch Israelitischen Gemeinde Hamburg) Hermann Cerini; StaH 741-4 (Fotoarchiv), Rollfilm A 262 (eigentlich 242-1 II, Gefängnisverwaltung II, Hermann Cerini); StaH 741-4 (Fotoarchiv), S 11660 (Hamburger Fremdenblatt, 26.11.-29.11.1907, 1.12., 6.12., 8.12., 12.12., 20.12.1907, Aufführungen des Volksschauspielhauses, darin Cerini nicht verzeichnet); Gedenkbuch Koblenz, Hermann Steifmann Cerini, Rosa Jospe; Landesamt für Bürger- und Ordnungsangelegenheiten (LABO) Berlin, Akte 338.487 (Rosa Jospe geb Steifmann-Cerini); Landesamt für Bürger- und Ordnungsangelegenheiten (LABO) Berlin, Akte 62.226 (Dr. Alfred Jospe); Landesamt für Bürger- und Ordnungsangelegenheiten (LABO) Berlin, Akte 326.021 (Erwin Jospe); Israelitische Religionsgemeinde Leipzig, Wählerliste 1924 (Steifmann-Cerini, Handelsbevollmächtigter, Menckestr. 22; Hermann Steifmann gen. Cerini, Kaufmann, Hallische Str. 71; Rosa Steifmann gen. Cerini, Ehefrau, Hallische Str. 71); Stadtarchiv Leipzig (Heiratsregister Leipzig III Nr. 489/1922, Hermann Steifmann u. Rosa Maria Robicek); Stadtarchiv Lüdenscheid, Einwohnermeldekartei (EMK), Hermann Steifmann (5.1.1909 – 7.4.1909); Landeshauptarchiv Schwerin, Mecklenburgisches Landestheater in Schwerin (Rosa Robitschek); Yad Vashem, Page of Testimony, Hermann Cerini, Rosa Jospe; Archivum Państwowe we Wrocławiu (Geburtsurkunde Breslau 1299/1900 Arthur Steifmann; Heiratsurkunde Breslau 171/1906, Joseph Jospe u. Rosa Steifmann; Sterbeurkunde Breslau 1069/1907 Regina Steifmann-Cerini); Recherchen Karin Müller; Bettina Frankenbach, Hermann Cerini, in: Claudia Maurer Zenk/ Peter Petersen (Hrsg.), Lexikon verfolgter Musiker und Musikerinnen der NS-Zeit, Universität Hamburg, 2008; Helga Gläser, Erwin Jospe, in: Claudia Maurer Zenk/ Peter Petersen (Hrsg.), Lexikon verfolgter Musiker und Musikerinnen der NS-Zeit, Universität Hamburg, 2008; Franklin Kopitzsch/ Daniel Tilgner (Hrsg.), Hamburg Lexikon, Hamburg 2010, S. 488/489 (NDR/ Norag); Karl-Josef Kutsch/ Leo Riemens, Großes Sängerlexikon, Band 4, München 2003, S. 788/789 (Selmar Cerini); Meyers Lexikon, Band 5, Leipzig 1926, S. 1059/1060 (Handlungsgehilfe); Ina Lorenz/ Jörg Berkemann, Die Hamburger Juden im NS-Staat 1933 bis 1938/39, Göttingen 2016, Band II, S. 710-711 (2.2. Der Hamburger Jüdische Kulturbund); Beate Meyer, "Jüdische Mischlinge". Rassenpolitik und Verfolgungserfahrung 1933-1934, Hamburg 2007, S. 30, 68-69; Heiko Morisse, Jüdische Rechtsanwälte in Hamburg, Ausgrenzung und Verfolgung im NS-Staat, Hamburg 2003, S. 117 (Oswald Barber); Wilhelm Mosel, Wegweiser zu ehemaligen jüdischen Stätten in Hamburg, Heft 2, Hamburg 1985, S. 25-30 (Schäferkampsallee 27, 29); Barbara Müller-Wesemann, Theater als geistiger Widerstand: Der Jüdische Kulturbund in Hamburg 1934-1941, Stuttgart 1997, S. 237-238 (Cerini, Garden); Peter Petersen, Juden im Musikleben Hamburgs, in: Arno Herzig/ Saskia Rohde (Hrsg.), Die Juden in Hamburg 1590-1990, Hamburg 1991, S. 305 (Hermann Steifmann/ Cerini); Neuer Theater-Almanach 1909-1914 (Cerini und Robitschek); Hamburger Adressbuch (Cerini) 1928, 1929, 1930, 1932; Hamburger Adressbuch (Große Bleichen 23-27) 1939; Hamburger Adressbuch (Werderstraße 34) 1939; Hamburger Telefonbuch 1931 (Hermann Cerini, Kapellmeister); Leipziger Adressbuch 1922, 1924 (Hermann Cerini); Frankfurter Israelitisches Familienblatt 6.9.1907 (Hermann Cerini Kapellmeister in Hamburg beim Volks-Schauspielhaus), 11.1.1907 (Hermann Cerini bei Makkabäer-Fest); Breslauer Lokal-Anzeiger/ Jüdische Volkszeitung, 21.6.1918 (25jähriges Dienstjubiläum von Selmar Cerini); Oberschlesischer Wanderer, 15.6.1919 (Anzeige für Großen Opern- und Operettenabend im Zaborze Konzerthaus/ Kentnowski, mit Cerini und Robitschek), 17.6.1919 (Anzeige zu Gastspiel im Stadttheater Gleiwitz, mit Cerini und Robitschek), 1.10.1919 (Anzeige zu Gastspiel "Die Prinzessin vom Nil" im Hüttengasthaus Antonienhütte, Leitung Hermann Cerini/ Direktor Kattowitzer Operettenhaus); Pharus-Stadtplan Breslau 1905 (Nachdruck);;; (Arthur Steifmann, Passagierliste SS Washington, 18.5.1937 Abfahrt in Hamburg, 26.5.1937 Ankunft in New York); (Arthur Cerini: US-Einbürgerungsregister 1944, US-Sterbeindex 1989); (Raffael / Ralph Cerini: 1944 US-Einbürgerung, 1993 US-Sterbeindex); (Rosa Cerini/ Rosa Steifmann: Januar 1947 Passagierliste der S.S. ‚Ernie Pyle‘ von Bremen nach New York; 1976 US-Sterbeindex); (Volkszählung 1939), Josef Jospe, Rosa Jospe; (Ernst-August Dauwes); Der Tagesspiegel (Berlin), Das Haus war ihr Schicksal (Helmstedter Straße 23), 16.4.2015; (Iwan Franck).