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Eduard Richard Weinberg * 1876

Talstraße 27 (Hamburg-Mitte, St. Pauli)

JG. 1876

Eduard Richard Weinberg, b. 11.18.1876 in Hamburg, took flight into death on 7.10.1942

Talstraße 27 (Thalstraße 27, Haus 10)

Three days after the Secret State Police, Hamburg State Police office, sent Eduard Weinberg "evacuation order No. 381l, he died of carbon monoxide poisoning. He had on 10 July 1942 sought out his landlady at Thalstrasse 27, Elise Hozle to bid her farewell. According to the deportation order, he was supposed to be at Hartungstrasse 9–11. He was intended to be included in the deportation to Auschwitz on 11 July.

After Elise Holze had left the apartment for a little while, she found him there "on the sofa in the kitchen with the gas hose in his hands.” He left the following message on an envelope: "For me, better. Eduard Weinberg, born in Altona.”

Eduard Weinberg was the son of Meier and Rika Weinberg, née Salomon. He married the Christian Hulda Rosenthal. On 31 March 1926, he withdrew from the Jewish Congregation. In 1934, he moved into the Thalstrasse 27, House 10. In January 1940, the Congregation created a new communal religion tax record for him: as with all "full Jews” he had to become a member of the Reich Association of Jews in Germany, and its local branch, the Jewish Congregation of Hamburg.

A year and a half later, Eduard Weinberg was arrested in Harburg, for reasons unknown. After the arrests he lived in a so-called Jew house at Schlachterstrasse 46–47, House 6. When Eduard Weinberg died, he was a widower.

Translator: Richard Levy
Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.

Stand: May 2019
© Christiane Jungblut

Quellen: 1; 5; Batz, Holocaust, 2008, S. 351f.
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