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Already layed Stumbling Stones

Karl Schack * 1868

Großneumarkt 38 (vorm. Schlachterstraße) (Hamburg-Mitte, Neustadt)

JG. 1868

further stumbling stones in Großneumarkt 38 (vorm. Schlachterstraße):
Hanna Aghitstein, Julie Baruch, Ludwig Louis Baruch, Julius Blogg, Rebecca Blogg, Kurt Cossmann, Mathilde Cossmann, Frieda Dannenberg, Alice Graff, Leopold Graff, Flora Halberstadt, Elsa Hamburger, Herbert Hamburger, Louis Hecker, Max Hecker, Marianne Minna Hecker, Lea Heymann, Alfred Heymann, Wilma Heymann, Paul Heymann, Jettchen Kahn, Adolf Kahn, Curt Koppel, Johanna Koppel, Hannchen Liepmann, Henriette Liepmann, Bernhard Liepmann, Johanna Löwe, Martin Moses, Beate Ruben, Flora Samuel, Minna Schack, Werner Sochaczewski, Margot Sochazewski, verh. Darvill, Sophie Vogel, Sara Vogel

Karl Schack, born 15 May 1868 in Hamburg, deported 6 Dec. 1941 to Riga-Jungfernhof
Kurt Schack, born 19 Mar. 1904 in Hamburg, deported 8 Nov. 1941 to Minsk (Stumbling Stone planned)
Minna Schack, née Isenberg, born 14 June 1878 in Hamburg, deported 6 Dec. 1941 to Riga-Jungfernhof

Großneumarkt 38 (Schlachterstraße 46/47)

Karl Schack was born in Hamburg on 15 May 1868, the second child of the Jewish couple Hirsch (Hermann) Schack (born 14 Dec. 1839, died 2 May 1918) and Jette, née Worms (born Oct. 11.1834, died 8 May 1911). His parents had wed on 29 Jan. 1865. The family also included the children Hanna (born 21 Oct. 1865), Max (born 3 June 1871), Leopold (born 21 Nov. 1873, died 11 Sept. 1916) and Golda (born 29 Aug. 1875, died 21 Jan. 1937). They first lived at 2nd Elbstraße (today Neanderstraße), then at Bei den Hütten 86 (today Hütten) and as of 1901 at Eichholz 52. His father and his grandfather on his mother’s side, Kosmann Samuel Worms, were both merchants.

After finishing commercial training, Karl Schack first worked at various large companies until he later became a self-employed travelling salesman, working on commission in the textiles industry. On 25 May 1903 he married the Hamburg native Erna Burg (born 26 Dec. 1876). Until their wedding, Erna lived with her parents, the painter Julius Burg (born 18 May 1844, died 1 June 1904) and Pauline, née Müller (born 29 May 1848, died 17 Sept. 1917), at Kohlhöfen 19. (After the death of her first husband, Pauline Burg married the merchant Samuel Worms (born 26 May 1841, died 15 Mar. 1922), a great-uncle of Karl Schack) on 19 Dec. 1913.

Their son Kurt was born on 19 Mar. 1904 in their home at Marienstraße 38 (as of 1940 Jan-Valkenburg-Straße). He remained their only child. The Schack Family moved to the street Schulterblatt 78, until 1917 they lived in Eimsbüttel at Doormannsweg 6, then at Eimsbütteler Chaussee 103. Erna Schack died on 29 Jan. 1927. She was buried at Ilandkoppel Jewish Cemetery in Ohlsdorf.

Karl Schack remarried on 23 Mar. 1928, wedding the salesperson Minna Isenberg who was ten years younger.

Minna had four older siblings, Roline (Rosa) (born 25 July 1872, died 27 Feb. 1944), Leopold (born 22 Sept. 1873, died 26 July 1920), Ferdinand (born 21 Jan. 1875, died 20 Feb. 1909), Line (Helene) (born 13 July 1876, died 27 Apr. 1951), and a younger brother Martin (born 2 Feb. 1880, died 24 May 1939). Her father Moses (Moritz) Isenberg (born 1838, died 2 Oct. 1901) was a native of Bremke near Göttingen and had run a lottery business in Hamburg since before the birth of his children, first at Peterstraße 76, later at Neuen Steinweg 72. Her mother Jeanette Isenberg, née Posner (born 29 Dec. 1839, died 28 May 1902), was the daughter of a teacher from Norrköping in Sweden. The Isenberg Family was among the first tenants of the Jewish Marcus-Nordheim Foundation at Schlachterstraße 40/42 when it was done being built.

When Minna and Karl were married, they lived at Papendamm 25. Their parents had long since passed away.

In 1934 the company Karl Schack had been working for was closed. In the ensuing period, he was no longer able to find regular employment. At the time, Karl Schack was already 66 years old, but described as very spry. In his last job he worked for the company Karl Becker, Großer Burstah 51, as a travelling salesman selling textile goods, primarily in Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg. The Schacks tried to hold onto their apartment at Eimsbütteler Chaussee 103 until 1936 by renting rooms to lodgers. They then moved into a two-room apartment at the Jewish Lazarus-Gumpel Foundation at Schlachterstraße 46/47, Building 2.

Kurt Schack, Karl’s son from his first marriage, attended the Talmud Torah School and learned the fur business. In the summer of 1933 he left his parents’ home because his father’s earnings were no longer sufficient to feed him. During that time, Kurt only made a very meager living from selling cleaning products and soaps and moved in with the Sührke Family who were friends of his at Schanzenstraße 6. Mrs. Sührke had worked for many years in the home of his deceased mother, an indication that his family had been well off. In 1935 Kurt hoped to immigrate to Palestine. He got by on temporary jobs, seizing every opportunity that presented itself. At the beginning of 1936 he worked as a kitchen assistant until the establishment, a "Jewish lunch cafeteria”, had to be closed because it was "unprofitable”. Afterwards he worked as a servant for Nathan Goldschmidt and Willy Oppenheim, as a messenger for the company of Willy Rendsburger and finally as an irregular dockworker until he was no longer employed because he was Jewish. Kurt Schack was forced to do heavy excavation work in Waltershof, Buxtehude and Stade because he received welfare support. He was never able to immigrate to Palestine. When Kurt Schack was placed on the deportation list for the second Hamburg transport on 8 Nov. 1941 to Minsk Ghetto with the occupation of messenger, he was back living in his father’s household at the Lazarus-Gumpel Foundation on Schlachterstraße, now a "Jewish house”. One month later, Karl and Minna Schack received their deportation orders to Riga on 6 Dec. 1941. They were deported to Jungfernhof, the satellite camp of the ghetto, where all trace of them was lost.

Stumbling Stones have been laid at Billstedter Hauptstraße 50 for Minna Schack’s older sister Roline Isenberg and her husband and cousin David Daniel Isenberg. They were deported to Theresienstadt on 19 July 1942. In 2003, students of the Möllner Landstraße State School in Billstedt researched their life stories (see Stolpersteine in Hamburg-Billstedt-Horn-Borgfelde).

Karl’s siblings were also deported on the same transport to Theresienstadt. His sister Hanna Heymann and her husband David Heymann (born 17 Mar. 1861) had previously been housed at the "Jewish house” at Schlachterstraße 40/42.

His brother Max Schack and his wife Johanna, née Simon (born 13 Sept. 1873 in Hadmersleben), received their deportation orders at Rutschbahn 25a, where they had lived since 1907.

Their three daughters Hertha (born 5 Mar. 1898), Irma (born 21 Nov. 1899) and Rosa (born 14 Sept. 1902) were able to immigrate to England (see

The siblings Max Schack and Hanna Heymann and their spouses were deported from Theresienstadt to Treblinka extermination camp on 21 Sept. 1942 and killed.

A Stumbling Stone at Bornstraße 22 honors Selma Isenberg, née Katzenstein (born 5 Mar. 1889 in Alterode), the widow of Minna’s deceased brother Martin. Shortly before her deportation on 11 July 1942, she sent word to her son Manfred (born 26 Nov. 1914) who had managed to immigrate to Palestine in time. She wrote him, "[I] am going to Aunt Minna.” Selma Isenberg was killed in Auschwitz.

Translator: Suzanne von Engelhardt
Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.

Stand: June 2020
© Susanne Rosendahl

Quellen: 1; 3; 4; 5; StaH 351-11 AfW 1690 (Schack, Max); StaH 351-14 Arbeits- und Sozialfürsorge 1876 (Schack, Karl); StaH 351-14 Arbeits- und Sozialfürsorge 1875 (Schack, Kurt); StaH 522-1 Jüdische Gemeinden 628 c; StaH 522-1 Jüdische Gemeinden 388 a Liste der Hamburger Juden ohne Jahr; StaH 522-1 Jüdische Gemeinde Nr. 992 e 2 Band 2; StaH 522-1 Jüdische Gemeinde Nr. 992 e 2 Band 3; StaH 332-5 Standesämter 396 u 800/1896; StaH 332-5 Standesämter 3003 u 553/1903; StaH 332-5 Standesämter 14229 u 699/1904; StaH 332-5 Standesämter 535 u 745/1904; StaH 332-5 Standesämter 622 u 137/1909; StaH 332-5 Standesämter 653 u 339/1911; StaH 332-5 Standesämter 3218 u 668/1913; StaH 332-5 Standesämter 747 u 1016/1916; StaH 332-5 Standesämter 771 u 825/1917; StaH 332-5 Standesämter 8048 u 246/1918; StaH 332-5 Standesämter 8823 u 89/1928; Auskunft von Angehörigen am 18.4.2013; Stolpersteine in den Hamburger Stadtteilen Billstedt-Horn-Borgfelde, S. 29; Guth: Bornstraße 22, S. 79; Cordes: Angehörige, S. 36.
Zur Nummerierung häufig genutzter Quellen siehe Link "Recherche und Quellen".

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