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Already layed Stumbling Stones
Ingrid Neuhaus * 1940
Langenhorner Chaussee 560 (Hamburg-Nord, Langenhorn)
GEB. 25.2.1940
ERMORDET 4.9.1941
further stumbling stones in Langenhorner Chaussee 560:
Gerda Behrmann, Uwe Diekwisch, Peter Evers, Elke Gosch, Claus Grimm, Werner Hammerich, Marianne Harms, Hillene Hellmers, Helga Heuer, Waltraud Imbach, Inge Kersebaum, Hella Körper, Dieter Kullak, Helga Liebschner, Theo Lorenzen, Jutta Müller, Traudel Passburg, Edda Purwin, Angela Quast, Erwin Sänger, Hermann Scheel, Gottfried Simon, Monika Ziemer
Ingrid Neuhaus, born on 25.2.1940 in Hamburg, killed on 4.9.1941 in the "children's ward of the Langenhorn sanatorium and nursing home” (Kinderfachabteilung)
Asklepios Clinic North Ochsenzoll,
Henny-Schütz-Allee, memorial house 25, entrance Langenhorner Chaussee 560
Ingrid Neuhaus was born in Hamburg-Harburg, the daughter of Ida, née Naroska, and the model carpenter Georg R. Neuhaus. She was baptized a Lutheran. She spent the first years of her life at Wilsdorferstraße 76.
On June 26, 1941, at the age of five months, Ingrid was transferred to the "Langenhorn Sanatorium and Nursing Home” by the Harburg Health Department. Her father was in the Wehrmacht at the time. Nothing is known about her illness, its course and the admission diagnosis; no file has survived. Only an index card with a reference to a file with the number 28696 indicates her stay in the "Langenhorn Sanatorium and Nursing Home”.
She died there at 8:00 a.m. on September 4, 1941. In the hospital's death certificate, Dr. Knigge gave the cause of death as "cerebral defect” (brain damage) and "idiocy bronchopneumonia”. This indication of the cause of death leads to the assumption that Ingrid was also one of the children selected to be killed.
Knigge killed with Luminal injections, a sleeping pill. Fever and pneumonia were the result; the children suffered a slow and agonizing death. In most death certificates, as in Ingrid's case, the words "bronchopneumonia” refer to this killing.
Ingrid was 1 year, 6 months and 10 days old. The place of her burial is not known.
After the war, Friedrich Knigge was charged with murder and euthanasia in the "children's ward” of Langenhorn Hospital on June 13, 1945. In a letter to the criminal investigation department via Prof. Rudolf Degkwitz, head official of the Hamburg health authorities, he only admitted to euthanasia of ten to eleven "mentally ill and deformed” children, which he considered to be justified by the order of the Reich Committee. He concealed the name of Ingrid Neuhaus.
Translation: Beate Meyer
Stand: November 2024
© Margot Löhr
Quellen: StaH, 332-5 Standesämter, Sterbefallsammelakten, 64155 u. 511/1941 Ingrid Neuhaus; StaH, 332-5 Standesämter, Sterberegister, 9926 u. 511/1941 Ingrid Neuhaus; StaH, 352-5 Standesämter, Todesbescheinigungen, 1941 Sta 1b Nr. 511 Ingrid Neuhaus; StaH, 352-8/7Staatskrankenanstalt Langenhorn, Abl. 1999/01 Kartei ca. 1939–1979 Akte Nr. 28696; Standesamt Hamburg 8, Geburtsregister, Nr. 317/1940 Ingrid Neuhaus.