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Already layed Stumbling Stones
Hermann Scheel * 1939
Langenhorner Chaussee 560 (Hamburg-Nord, Langenhorn)
GEB. 16.8.1939
ERMORDET 22.8.1942
further stumbling stones in Langenhorner Chaussee 560:
Gerda Behrmann, Uwe Diekwisch, Peter Evers, Elke Gosch, Claus Grimm, Werner Hammerich, Marianne Harms, Hillene Hellmers, Helga Heuer, Waltraud Imbach, Inge Kersebaum, Hella Körper, Dieter Kullak, Helga Liebschner, Theo Lorenzen, Jutta Müller, Ingrid Neuhaus, Traudel Passburg, Edda Purwin, Angela Quast, Erwin Sänger, Gottfried Simon, Monika Ziemer
Hermann Scheel, born on 16.8.1939 in Hamburg, killed on 22.8.1942 in the "children's ward of the Langenhorn sanatorium and nursing home” (Kinderfachabteilung)
Asklepios-Klinik Nord-Ochsenzoll,
Henny-Schütz-Allee, memorial house 25, entrance Langenhorner Chaussee 560
Hermann Horst Scheel was born in Hamburg on August 16, 1939, as the third child of Wilma Henriette Maria, née Heesch, and the laborer Ernst August Scheel. Together with his older siblings, he lived with his parents at Telemannstraße 13a, Eimsbüttel, and was baptized an Evangelical Lutheran. Hermann initially developed normally physically. After seven months, he began to have convulsions every three to four days and it became apparent that his mental development was not in line with his age.
At the age of one year and ten months, he was admitted to the Eppendorf University Children's Hospital for three weeks on June 13, 1941. There it was observed that he was "mentally quite retarded, with strong motor restlessness and unmotivated expressions of affect. He reaches for objects, also plays, but reacts little and not in a meaningful way to his surroundings. Neurologically, there are no pathological findings.” He was not diagnosed with seizures during this time. Initially, the State Welfare Office intended to commit Hermann Scheel to the "Alsterdorf Institutions”. On December 24, 1941, the social welfare office (Landesfürsorgeamt, Sonderstelle Scha 7459 S.St.I )issued a transfer bill to the "Alsterdorfer Anstalten”. However, in a letter dated February 12, 1942, they forwarded the referral papers to the "Heil- und Pflegeanstalten Langenhorn”.
On February 13, 1942, Wilma Scheel took her son Hermann from his parents' home to the "Heil- und Pflegeanstalten Langenhorn” with a certificate of "feeblemindedness” issued by the Main Health Office. Three and a half months later, on June 1, 1942, Dr. Knigge delivered a report to the "Reichsausschuß zur wissenschaftlichen Erfassung von erb- und anlagebedingten schweren Leiden” in Berlin: "[...] according to the course and findings of the illness, I assume that the existing idiocy is based on an organic brain process associated with epileptiform seizures. Since I cannot imagine that there is any significant mental development potential left, I have no reservations about initiating treatment for the child. Dr. Knigge, head physician of the children's department.”
His last reports on Hermann Scheel read:
"6.VII.42. Generally benign, trolls around the room, shows no ability to play quietly and meaningfully. Likes to make rhythmic rocking movements in bed
22.VIII.42. Exitus letalis [fatal outcome]. (Bronchopneumonia.)
Diagnosis: Organic brain process with epileptiform seizures. Idiocy. Dr. Knigge”
Hermann Scheel was killed in the "children's ward of the Langenhorn "sanatorium and nursing home”. He died on August 22, 1942 at 7:00 a.m. in House M 10.
In the death certificate, Dr. Knigge gave the cause of death as "idiocy, bronchopneumonia”.
Knigge killed with Luminal injections, a sleeping pill. Fever and pneumonia were the result; the children suffered a slow and agonizing death. In most death certificates, as in Hermann's case, the words "bronchopneumonia” refer to this killing.
A telegram sent to the parents' address in Telemannstraße at 9:53 a.m. on the same day read: "Hermann unfortunately deceased request birth certificate and parents' marriage certificate on Monday. Langennhorn institution.” Another telegram reached his father, Private Ernst Scheel, Luftgaupostamt Berlin, two days later at 9:50 a.m.: "Son Hermann deceased burial Thursday. Institution Hamburg-Langenhorn.”
Hermann was 3 years and 6 days old.
Seven days later, Hermann Scheel was transferred from Langenhorn to Ohlsdorf Cemetery Chapel 12 at 11:00 a.m. on August 27, 1942. His burial took place at 13:00 by funeral director Hippel "with decorations, plants and harmonium and organ music”, grave location Bo 63, row 22, no. 13. His grave is no longer preserved.
After more than six months, on March 9, 1943, Hermann's mother asked for information in Langenhorn: "Dear Doctor! I would like to ask you politely whether you can tell me what kind of illness my son Hermann had in his brain. He died there in August. You told me at the time that I could also have it communicated to me in writing. Please let me know! With German greetings, Mrs. W. Scheel.”
Ten days later, on March 19, 1943, the reply was sent:
"Dear Mrs. Scheel! The examination of the brain of your son Hermann, who died here, is still at the preparatory stage. A detailed microscopic examination requires a great deal of time, which is not available at the moment. Moreover, the doctor in charge of such examinations has been called up since last summer. It is unlikely that any results will be available before the end of the war. Heil Hitler! Dr. Knigge.”
After the war, on January 18, 1946, in the criminal case against him and others for murder or euthanasia in the "children's ward” of the Langenhorn hospital, Dr. Knigge gave the following justification in a hearing on the Hermann Scheel case: "The observation lasted almost half a year. On June 1, as the enclosed sheet shows, I reported to the Reich Committee, which gave its approval for the euthanasia treatment. The Luminal injection took place on August 20 or 21. The child died on August 22. Diagnostically, I agree with the Eppendorf clinic and the senior physician of the welfare authority. There was no cure or possibility of improvement for the idiotic child. The parents found the child very disruptive at home. It did not speak, but often lashed out and bit and scratched. He tore up everything and could not be controlled. Because of his viciousness, the siblings had to keep away from him. The parents wanted to separate from the child at all costs. The mother complained to me that the child didn't know her at all. He didn't take any notice of the mother at visiting times either. The parents had already agreed to the 'treatment' when the child was brought.”
Hermann's mother Wilma Scheel testified in court on February 5, 1948: "The doctor, whose name escapes me and who used to live on Bundesstraße, arranged for the child to come to Langenhorn. The doctor had the child admitted to Langenhorn on her own initiative. I did not express a corresponding wish to the doctor. I remember that the doctor's name was Botemps. She was bombed out. I spoke to Dr. Knigge 3 or 4 times in the Langenhorn institution. During my first consultation, Dr. Knigge said that Hermann had no convulsions and that he wanted to continue observing the child. On the second visit, Dr. Knigge said the same thing. Dr. Knigge never told me that he wanted to perform any special treatment or surgery on the child. He occasionally said to me that he did not know what was wrong with the child. But I would find out later. I was completely surprised when I received the news one day that Hermann had died of pneumonia. I can't remember telling the nurse at Langenhorn Hospital that I agreed to Hermann receiving promising treatment. I don't even know what the nurse meant by that.”
Translation: Beate Meyer
Stand: November 2024
© Margot Löhr
Quellen: StaH, 213-12 Staatsanwaltschaft, 0013 Bd. 060 Sonderakte Bd. 40, Schirbaum, Gottfried u. a., Akte 29465, 0017 Bd. 001, Bayer Dr. Wilhelm, u. a., S. 72, 148 f., 231 f.; StaH, 332-5 Standesämter, Sterbefallsammelakten, 64217 u. 711/1942 Hermann Scheel; StaH, 332-5 Standesämter, Sterberegister, 9934 u. 711/1942 Hermann Scheel; StaH, 352-5 Standesämter, Todesbescheinigungen, 1942 Sta 1b Nr. 711 Hermann Scheel; StaH, 352-8/7 Staatskrankenanstalt Langenhorn, Abl. 2000/01 Nr. 1 Akte 29465; Standesamt Hamburg 1a, Geburtsregister, Nr. 1269/1939 Hermann Scheel; Archiv Friedhof Ohlsdorf, Beerdigungsregister 1942, Nr. 6809.