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Already layed Stumbling Stones
Frieda Sternheim (née Lobatz) * 1877
Bundesstraße 35 (Eimsbüttel, Rotherbaum)
1941 Riga
further stumbling stones in Bundesstraße 35:
Julius Asser, Rosa Bauer, Ernst Antonio Cassuto, Amalie Delmonte, Moses "Martin" Delmonte, Sara Delmonte, Hans Gerson, Margot Gerson, Uri Gerson
Frieda Sternheim, née Lobatz, b. 6.5.1877 in Schwedt, deported to Riga on 12.6.1941
"When I think of my mother, I taste and smell the fragrance of the food that reminds me of her: elderberry soup …. When I think of mother and grandmother, I think above everything else about their unimaginable end in horror, abandonment, and torment.”
(Arie Goral-Sternheim, Jeckepotz. Eine jüdisch-deutsche Jugend 1914–1933, Hamburg 1989, S. 85.)
Arie Goral-Sternheim’s mother was Frieda Sternheim, née Lobatz, b. 6.5.1877 in Schwedt on the Oder River; his grandmother was Bertha Lobatz, née Schüler, b. 7.15.1851 in Ziebingen near Frankfurt an der Oder. Around 1910, Frieda Sternheim came from Westphalia to Hamburg with her husband Emil Sternheim (b. 6.18.1876 in Aplerbeck, Westphalia) and her sons Walter Louis (b. 10.16.1909) and Herbert (b. 3.13.1915). Emil found a position in the Hermann Tietz firm as a department manager and buyer. His employment was interrupted by the First World War, from which he returned severely disabled. He joined the German Israelite Congregation in September 1921.
Herbert died at ten years of age, an event that bore heavily upon Frieda Sternheim her whole life. Walter Louis moved to Frankfurt in 1933 and emigrated to Palestine in 1934. He took the name Arie Goral and after the war returned to Hamburg as a writer, painter, and political activist of some renown.
His father Emil Sternheim died on 25 January 1936, leaving his widow Frieda penniless. She moved in 1936 into the Samuel Levy Foundation at Bundesstrasse 35, but maintained close contact with her Mendel and Lobatz relatives in Hamm.
The foundation later became a "Jew house.” It was there that she received the summons for deportation to Riga on 6 December 1941. Just before her departure, she wrote via the International Committee of the Red Cross to her son in Tel Aviv: "My Walter! About to leave, I send you heartfelt greetings. Am healthy and brave. Don’t be sad. I have no mail from you. Answer to Uncle Max [Mendel], Mother."
The transport from Hamburg went to a rundown estate, the Jungfernhof, where there were no winterized structures. Given her age and these conditions, it is questionable whether Frieda Sternheim even lived out the first winter.
Translator: Richard Levy
Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.
Stand: January 2019
© Hildegard Thevs mit Bettina Nathan
Quellen: 1; 2; 4; 5; 6; StaH, 522-1, Jüdische Gemeinden, o. Sign. Mitgliederzählung der DIGH 1928; 390 Wählerverzeichnis 1930; 391 Mitgliederliste 1935; 992 e 2 Deportationsliste Bd. 3; BA Bln., Volkszählung 1939; AfW 161009; Goral-Sternheim, Arie: Jeckepotz. Eine jüdisch-deutsche Jugend 1914–1933, Hamburg 1989, pass.; Jüdische Stätten in Hamburg. Hrsg. vom Institut für die Geschichte der deutschen Juden und der Landeszentrale für politische Bildung. Hamburg. 1995, Nr. 72
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