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Already layed Stumbling Stones
Walodja Woronzow * 1944
Essener Straße 54 (Hamburg-Nord, Langenhorn)
GEB. 20.4.1944
ERMORDET 3.6.1944
further stumbling stones in Essener Straße 54:
Tamara Balenow, Elfriede Barabanowa, Jury Belikowa, namenloses Mädchen Beltschikowa, Walentina Beretschnoj, Victor Bilous, Elsa Borisowa, Vladimir Bowton, Leopold Colman, Anatoli Dubskaja, Serge Duvert, Max Ernest Duvert, Knabe Fedyk, Swetlana Harkawtschuk, Anatoli Kobilko, Luja Kolomejtschuk, Ilda Konforowitsch, Waldemar Kosowzow, Schura Kotschezeschko, Paul Kowalewa, Alex Kritzkaja, Valentin Lewonenko, Raisa Lomonossowa, Josef Mrosowska, Galina Nasarowa, Luba Nesterowitsch, Alexandra Nikolajew, Maria Ostagowa, Sina Paratschenko, Annatoli Podwinskaja, Damara Pogrebnikowa, Lydia Poliwara, Iwan Poliwara, Regina Larissa Prieditis, Iwan Ragulina, Wasilij Romanenko, Alexander Sabluswitschke, Klawa Schurawel, Anatoli Slusar, Namenloses Mädchen Solowey, Knabe Stefa, Valentin Tkatschow, Viktor Tomaschuk, Luba Tulup, Sigmund Tuschinska, René-Yves Vitel, Boris Wenik, Genja Woronez, Anatoli Zebenko
Walodja Woronzow, born on 20.4.1944 in Hamburg, died on 3.6.1944
Essener Street 54
formerly camp Tannenkoppel, Weg 4, also called "Tarpenbek/ Forced labor camp of the armaments industry in Hamburg Langenhorn
Walodja Woronzow was born in Hamburg on April 20, 1944. His mother Maria Mamatowa, born on June 25, 1924 in Oripnoje/Kursk, was of Greek Catholic faith and presumably not married. Deported from Russia, she first had to perform forced labor in Gotenhafen (poln. Gdynia). There she probably met Georg Vorontsov, born on 15.8.1913 in Leningrad. Whether she had met him before or only now is not known. Georg Vorontsov was also assigned to forced labor in Gotenhafen as a "foreign worker", housed in the "Lustick camp", barrack 9, room 5.
Maria Mamatova became pregnant and in the third month of her pregnancy, on October 18, 1943, she was transferred from Gotenhafen to Hamburg-Horn to the Querkamp camp as an "Eastern worker." When she was six months pregnant, she was sent to Hamburg-Langenhorn for forced labor for Hanseatische Kettenwerk GmbH (HAK). She was housed in the "Ostarbeiterlager Tannenkoppel", Weg 4.
On the day her child was born, she was admitted to Alsterdorf Hospital. Her son had to be delivered by Caesarean section. After fifteen days, on May 5, 1944, she returned to the Tannenkoppel camp with her son Walodja. There Walodja had to spend the short time of his life. The nutritional and living conditions were completely inadequate for him.
Walodja died there at 7:30 a.m. on June 3, 1944. The "accountant" Johannes Heller reported the death verbally at the registry office. In the death notice of the police chief, signed "i. A. Behrmann L. A.", the cause of death, without "official investigation" and without naming a doctor, is given as "bronchitis".
Walodja was 1 month and 2 weeks old.
Thirteen days after his death his burial took place on June 16, 1944 at the Ohlsdorf cemetery, grave location: Q 39, row 4, no. 21. His grave is no longer preserved. At the end of 1959 it was buried together with at least 146 graves of children of forced laborers on site Q 39.
Two months after the burial, two days before his 31st birthday, on August 17, 1944, at 0:15 a.m., Walodja's father Georg Vorontsov died in Kiel in the Drachensee communal camp on Rendsburger Landstraße. He had been transferred there in the meantime for forced labor, registered under the number 923. The cause of death is listed as "victim of air raid". He was buried by the funeral director Georg Wichmann at the Kiel-Eichhof cemetery, 61/118.
Walodja's mother Maria Mamatowa had to perform forced labor for Deutsche Werft A.G. from October 2, 1944 until the end of the war. On January 1, 1945, she was transferred to the Finksweg camp in Hamburg-Finkenwärder. After the end of the war, she was treated as an inpatient at the Langenhorn Hospital from May 10 to May 16, 1945, for a "foot injury." In the hospital list, her dates of birth are given as 26 May 1924 Kursk. She was then transferred to the former "Ostarbeiterlager" Blaue Brücke, Hamburg-Harburg.
Translation Beate Meyer
Stand: February 2023
© Margot Löhr
Quellen: Standesamt Hamburg 1 b, Geburtsreg. 406/1944 Walodja Woronzow; StaH 131-1 II, 518 Listen der während des Zweiten Weltkrieges in Hamburg verstorbenen und beigesetzten ausländischen Zivilarbeiter, S. 81, S. 274; StaH 131-1 II, 519 Listen der von 1940 in Hamburger Krankenhäusern behandelten Ausländer, nach Nationalitäten geordnet, S. 262; 332-4, Ermittlungen der Registerstelle für den Internationalen Suchdienst in Arolsen und andere Stellen über den Tod ausländischer, vereinzelt auch deutscher Staatsangehöriger in der NS-Zeit, Nr. 2142; StaH 332-5 Standesämter, 9952 u. 924/1944 Walodja Woronzow; StaH 352-8/7 Staatskrankenanstalt Langenhorn, 184 Band 2, S. 164; ITS Archives, Bad Arolsen, Copy of Krankenhausliste Krankenhaus Alsterdorf / 70646171, Geburtsurkunde / 77069646 Walodja Woronzow, Sterbeurkunde / 77108208 Walodja Woronzow, Sterberegister / 77160820, / 76903267 Georg Woronzow, Georg Woronzow Doku 0.1 / 61361971, DE ITS HA 001 11 RUS ZM/70648725;, einges. 17.2.2016; Archiv Friedhofsverwaltung Ohlsdorf, Beerdigungsreg. 1944.