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Already layed Stumbling Stones

Wassili Efimow * 1921

Wasserkamp (Hamburg-Nord, Ohlsdorf)

GEB. 1921
ERMORDET 12.4.1944

further stumbling stones in Wasserkamp :
Valerin Golubew

Wassili Efimow, born on 23.1.1921 in Treschwno/Leningrad/ today St. Petersburg, died on 12.4.1944 in Hamburg


Wassili Efimow (born 23.1.1921 in Treschwno/Leningrad) was the son of Maria and Wassili Efimow, of the Greek Orthodox faith and single. Deported from Russia (then the Soviet Union) to Hamburg, he had to do horticultural work for the company Gustav Sundermann, Baumschulen und Gärtnerei Lokstedt (= tree nursery and market garden), Hauptstraße 13 (now Niendorf, Tibarg) as an "Eastern worker" and was housed in the Wasserkamp camp.

On March 4, 1944, he was admitted to the Langenhorn General Hospital. He died there a few weeks later on April 12, 1944 at 4:30 a.m. The hospital's death notice states "covered gastric perforation and peritonitis" as the cause of death and Blumenthal as the undersigned doctor.

Wassili Efimov was 23 years old.

Seven days later, he was buried by the Großhamburgische Bestattungsgesellschaft (GBG) on April 19, 1944 at the Ohlsdorf cemetery. He was placed in a collective grave with nine unknown dead, grave location Bp 73, row 5, no. 9. A gravestone slab with his engraved name and his date of birth and death still commemorates him there today.

Marija Efimowa (born 1893 in Leningrad), a farmer by profession, is listed in the register of foreigners under the number 087548. She had been registered in the Wasserkamp camp since February 24, 1944 and was also forced to work for the Sundermann company. Although there is no information on her marital status, she could well be Wassili's mother.

Stand: August 2024
© Margot Löhr

Quellen: StaH, 131-1 II, 518 Listen der während des Zweiten Weltkrieges in Hamburg verstorbenen und beigesetzten ausländischen Zivilarbeiter, S. 77, 259; StaH, 131-1 II, 519 Listen der 1940 in Hamburger Krankenhäusern behandelten Ausländer, nach Nationalitäten geordnet, S. 158, Akte M 22650; StaH, 332-5 Standesämter, Sterberegister, 9952 u. 607/1944 Wassili Efimow; StaH, 332-8, A 48 Alphabetische Meldekartei der Ausländer 1939 – 1945; StaH, 352-8/7 Staatskrankenanstalt Langenhorn, 184 Bd. 2, S. 15, Akte M 22650; Archiv Friedhof Ohlsdorf, Beerdigungsregister, 1944 Nr. 2426; Arolsen Archives Online-Collections, Namenlisten über Ausländer, die sich auf dem ehemaligen Reichsgebiet aufgehalten haben, Sig. 10004867, Russisches Rotes Kreuz, Moskau; Margot Löhr: Ein Gedenkbuch. Die vergessenen Kinder von Zwangsarbeiterinnen in Hamburg – ermordet durch Vernachlässigung und Unterernährung, 2 Bde., Hamburg 2020, Bd. 1, S. 245 (profitierender Betrieb: Gustav Sundermann), Bd. 2, S. 514–516 (Valerin Golubew).

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