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Already layed Stumbling Stones

Semjon Pogrebnikow * 1918

Langenhorner Chaussee 625 (Hamburg-Nord, Langenhorn)

JG. 1918
TOT 2.3.1944

further stumbling stones in Langenhorner Chaussee 625:
Mina Buijs, Alexandera Daschewskaja, Leonid Dubik, Grigor Gonsarenko, Ewgenia Masalewskaja, Prokop Moskalenko, Sofia Nietrzebka, Albino Pietrogiovanna, Marija Tschechanowitsch, Dimitri Woloschin

Semjon Pogrebnikow, born on 24.12.1918 Leningrad, died on 2.3.1944 in Hamburg

Langenhorner Chaussee next to 625, memorial place

Semjon Pogrebnikow (born 24.12.1918 in Leningrad) and Galina Pogrebnikowa (born 12.5.1922 in Molodga) were married and of Roman Orthodox faith. Deported from Russia, they had to perform forced labor in Hamburg-Langenhorn for Hanseatische Kettenwerk GmbH (HAK). They were housed separately in the women's and men's camps of the "Ostarbeiterlager Tannenkoppel". Galina Pogrebnikowa was pregnant during this time. Their daughter Damara was born in this forced labor camp on August 14, 1943.

Semjon Pogrebnikow was admitted to Alsterdorf Hospital on February 14, 1944, with a diagnosis of pneumonia. He died there a few weeks later on March 2, 1944.

Semjon Pogrebnikow was 26 years old.

In the hospital's obituary, the cause of death is given as "lung abscess, circulatory weakness."

Thirteen days later his burial took place by the Großhamburgische Bestattungsgesellschaft (GBG) on March 15, 1944 at 10:00 a.m. "with decoration and harmonium or organ music" at the Ohlsdorf cemetery, grave location Bp 73, row 5, no. 29.
A gravestone slab with his name carved on it, but different from the death certificate, with the surname "Togrebnikow", and the dates of birth and death still commemorates him there today.

One month after his death, on April 5, 1944, his daughter Damara (born 14.8.1943) came to the Wintermoor Hospital in Hamburg with the diagnosis of "dyspepsia" (digestive disorder). During her stay there, her mother Galina Pogrebnikova was admitted to the Langenhorn Hospital on May 15, 1944 with a diagnosis of "diphtheria" and was released back to the Tannenkoppel forced labor camp after twelve days on May 23, 1944.

Damara also returned to the Tannenkoppel camp on June 13, 1944, after a four-and-a-half-week stay in the Wintermoor Hospital. The nutritional and living conditions there were completely inadequate for her.

Four months later, she fell ill again and was admitted to the Langenhorn Hospital on October 5, 1944, with the diagnosis "nutritional disorder." She died there at 7:30 a.m. on October 29, 1944. The hospital's obituary lists "nutritional disorder pulmonary bc" as the cause of death and Blumenthal as the signing physician.

Damara was 1 year, 2 months, and 15 days old.

Eight days after her death, her burial took place by the Großhamburgische Bestattungsgesellschaft (GBG) on November 6, 1944 at 9:00 a.m. in the Ohlsdorf cemetery, grave location Bo 63, row 33, no. 16. Her grave is no longer preserved. At the end of 1959 it was levelled together with at least 30 graves of children of forced laborers on area Bo 63.

Galina Pogrebnikowa had lost her husband and daughter within eight months.

A Stolperstein commemorates Damara, along with another 48 Stolpersteine for the deceased children of forced laborers from the Tannenkoppel camp, at Essener Straße 54 (See biographies

For Galina Pogrebnikowa, the transfer to forced labor at the German shipyard took place on November 14, 1944, until the end of the war on May 3, 1945.

Translation Beate Meyer

Stand: March 2023
© Margot Löhr

Quellen: StaH, 131-1 II, 518 Listen der während des Zweiten Weltkrieges in Hamburg verstorbenen und beigesetzten ausländischen Zivilarbeiter, S. 94, 267, u. 519 Listen der von 1940 in Hamburger Krankenhäusern behandelten Ausländer, nach Nationalitäten geordnet, S. 221; StaH, 332-5 Standesämter, Sterbefallsammelakten, 64351 u. 1560/1944 Damara Pogrebnikowa; StaH, 332-5 Standesämter, Sterberegister, 9951 u. 361/1944 Semjon Pogrebnikow, 9954 u. 1560/1944 Damara Pogrebnikowa; StaH, 352-8/7 Staatskrankenanstalt Langenhorn, 184 Bd. 2, S. 95; Standesamt Hamburg 1b, Geburtsregister, 737/1943 Damara Pogrebnikowa; Archiv Friedhofsverwaltung Ohlsdorf, Beerdigungsregister 1944 Nr. 1613; ITS Archives, Bad Arolsen, Copy of Krankenhausliste Krankenhaus Alsterdorf / 70646057, Krankenhausliste Krankenhaus Wintermoor / 70646173, Geburtsurkunde / 77024757 Damara Pogrebnikowa, Sterbeurkunde /77098409 Damara Pogrebnikowa; Arolsen Archives Online-Collections, 2.1.2 Britische Besatzungszone in Deutschland/Namenlisten über Ausländer, die sich auf dem ehemaligen Reichsgebiet aufgehalten haben, Sig. 10004867, Russisches Rotes Kreuz, Moskau, 2.2.2 Verschiedene Behörden und Firmen (Einzelpersonen-bezogene Unterlagen)/Dokumente ohne zugeordnete Sig. 02020202 oS, DE ITS HA 001 11 RUS ZM/70648729; Margot Löhr: Ein Gedenkbuch. Die vergessenen Kinder von Zwangsarbeiterinnen in Hamburg – ermordet durch Vernachlässigung und Unterernährung, 2 Bde., Hamburg 2020, Bd. 2, S. 490 f. (Damara Pogrebnikowa); Friederike Littmann: Zwangsarbeit in der Hamburger Kriegswirtschaft 1939–1945,, eingesehen am: 28.2.2022.

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