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Already layed Stumbling Stones

Hugo Löwenstein * 1879

Eppendorfer Baum 11 (Eimsbüttel, Harvestehude)

1941 Minsk

further stumbling stones in Eppendorfer Baum 11:
Eva Burchard, Johanna Burchard, Max Burchard, Selma Heymann, Anna Loewenberg, Paul Loewenberg, Ida Löwenberg, Ida Löwenstein

Hugo Löwenstein, born on 9 May 1879 in Borgholz, deported on 8 Nov. 1941 to Minsk

Brief information from the Jewish religious tax (Kultussteuer) card file – so far, no biography has been prepared

Hugo Löwenstein, born on 9 May 1879 in Borgholz, parents: Louis Löwenstein and Sophie Löwenstein, née Neukircher, married to Ida Löwenstein, née Löwi or Löwy (born on 8 Oct. 1877 in Neukalen/ Mecklenburg), children: Rolf (born on 16 Mar. 1914) and, from Ida Löwenstein’s first marriage, also Heinrich Jacobson (born on 16 Feb. 1905), Otto (born on 31 Aug. 1906), and Erich (born on 09 Sept. 1909), residing in Hamburg at Flemingstrasse 1 (since 1 Oct. 1935) and Eppendorfer Baum 11 with Löwenberg, deported on 8 Nov. 1941 to the Minsk Ghetto together with his wife.

Translator: Erwin Fink
Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.

Stand: April 2018
© Björn Eggert

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