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Already layed Stumbling Stones

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Alexandera Daschewskaja * 1924

Langenhorner Chaussee 625 (Hamburg-Nord, Langenhorn)

JG. 1924

further stumbling stones in Langenhorner Chaussee 625:
Mina Buijs, Leonid Dubik, Grigor Gonsarenko, Ewgenia Masalewskaja, Prokop Moskalenko, Sofia Nietrzebka, Albino Pietrogiovanna, Semjon Pogrebnikow, Marija Tschechanowitsch, Dimitri Woloschin

Alexandera Daschewskaja, born on 31.12.1924 in Werchnij/Woroschilowgrad (Luhansk), died on 12.8.1944 in Hamburg

Langenhorner Chaussee next to 625, memorial site

Alexandera Daschewskaja was born on December 31, 1924 in Werchnij/Woroschilowgrad (Luhansk). She was single. Deported from her native Ukraine to Hamburg-Langenhorn, she was forced to work for Hanseatische Kettenwerk GmbH (HAK) as an "Eastern worker" from October 29, 1943 and was housed in the Tannenkoppel, Weg 4 camp. Anna Daschewskaja (born 12.2.1925) was there with her for a time, presumably a close relative, but she was transferred on April 30, 1944.

On August 12, 1944 at 6 p.m., Alexandera Daschewskaja died on the transport from the forced labour camp to the Langenhorn General Hospital. According to official investigations by the chief of police and verbal statements by the accountant Johs. Heller, without specifying a doctor, the cause of death was: "Urgent suspicion of poisoning, no certain cause of death".

Alexandera Daschewskaja was 19 years old.

Whether she wanted to take her own life out of despair or whether she died as a result of external circumstances, whether intentional or unintentional, remains unclear. The death certificate merely states: "The above information is provided on the basis of official and verbal information from the accountant Johs. Heller, resident of Hanseatisches Kettenwerk."

Eleven days later, her funeral took place on August 23, 1944 at the Ohlsdorf cemetery. She was placed in a collective grave with nine unknown dead, grave location Bp 73, row 7, no. 23. A gravestone slab with her name engraved on it and her date of birth and death still commemorates her today.

Stand: August 2024
© Margot Löhr

Quellen: StaH, 131-1 II, 518 Listen der während des Zweiten Weltkrieges in Hamburg verstorbenen und beigesetzten ausländischen Zivilarbeiter, S. 85; StaH, 332-5 Standesämter, Sterbefallsammelakten, 64306 u. 1245/1944 Alexandera Daschewskaja; StaH, 332-5 Standesämter, Sterberegister, 9953 u. 1245/1944 Alexandera Daschewskaja; Arolsen Archives Online-Collections, 2.1.2 Britische Besatzungszone in Deutschland/ Namenlisten über Ausländer, die sich auf dem ehemaligen Reichsgebiet aufgehalten haben, Sig. 10004867, Russisches Rotes Kreuz, Moskau, 2.3.3 Hohes Kommissariat der Republik Frankreich, Kartei der in Krankenhäusern des Gebiets der französischen Zone behandelten Verfolgten/DE ITS, Kartei der verstorbenen Verfolgten (überwiegend französische Zone, auch Franzosen in anderen Zonen), DE ITS, DE ITS HA 001 11 RUS ZM/70648208.

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