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Emil Führer * 1902
Baererstraße 7 (Harburg, Harburg)
JG 1902
VERHAFTET 7.7.1934
Emil Paul Führer, born on 27 Feb. 1902 in Klein Baitschen/ Gumbinnen District (East Prussia), today Podgorowka/ Kaliningrad Oblast, concentration camp Fuhlsbüttel, "999th Division Probation Battalion” (Bewährungsbatallion Division 999), died on 24 Oct. 1945
Baererstrasse 7 (Harburg District, Harburg quarter; formerly Elisenstrasse 7)
The date Emil Führer came to Harburg could not be determined in the files available. On 27 Feb. 1926, he married Louise, née Gronmeyer, born on 11 July 1902 in Eszerischken/East Prussia, and at that time, he lived at Friedrich-Naumann-Strasse 1b. Daughter Sonja Waltraud was also born there on 22 Feb. 1927.
In 1932, Emil Führer joined the German Communist Party (KPD) and took over the office of the "cell treasurer” of the party. He was employed as a loading worker at Vereinigte Harburger Ölfabriken A.G. (Thörl) and was a member of the works council there. When the KPD was banned after the National Socialist assumption of power, he was dismissed for political reasons in June 1933 and remained unemployed until July 1934.
On 7 July 1934, he was arrested and, sentenced by the Hamburg Higher Regional Court (Oberlandesgericht) for "preparation to high treason” ("Vorbereitung zum Hochverrat”), taken to the Fuhlsbüttel concentration camp. He was released from prison on 23 Dec. 1936. After the war, his wife testified before the Hamburg Special Support Committee (Sonderhilfsausschuss), Restitution Office (Wiedergutmachungsstelle), that he had been mistreated there by the Gestapo. His teeth had been knocked out and he had suffered head and arm injuries.
After his dismissal, Emil Führer worked at the Guano-Werke Harburg from 8 Jan. 1937 to 1 June 1941. We do not know when exactly he was considered "conditionally fit for military service.” What is certain, however, is that he was sent to the Eastern front in the "999th Division Probation Battalion” (Bewährungsbatallion Division 999),” where he ended in Russian captivity.
Emil Führer died on the return transport on 24 Oct. 1945, while the train was in Poland. The cause of death indicated was myocardial paralysis.
Translator: Erwin Fink
Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.
Stand: June 2020
© Margrit und Helmut Rüth
Quellen: StaH Sign.351-11_25777; Adressbuch Harburg-Wilhelmsburg 1928; Adressbuch Hamburg 1941; Matthias Heyl und Margit Maronde-Heyl: Harburger Opfer des Nationalsozialismus.