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Already layed Stumbling Stones
Lina Lippmann (née Kleefeld) * 1872
Saling 10 (Hamburg-Mitte, Hamm)
1942 Theresienstadt
1942 Treblinka
Lina Lippmann, née Kleefeld, born 08/15/1872 in Breisach, deported to Theresienstadt 07/19/1942, deported on to Treblinka 09/29/1942
Saling 10
"There seems to be a misunderstanding regarding a contribution to Jewish winter aid. This collection is in no way connected to the rules of the collection of the compulsory membership dues. …In your case, the minimum contribution [to winter aid] according to the directive is 58 RM, calculated on the basis of your assets determined by the Tax Authority in 1940. I should like to assume that this explanation will show you that we must request a larger contribution to Jewish winter aid from you than 6 M. In the interest of the Jewish Community, I cordially ask you to provide the minimum amount of 58 RM.”
This letter of the Jewish Religious Organization of Hamburg still reached Lina Lippmann at her longtime address Saling 10. On April 20th, 1940, she moved to the "Jews’ house” Heimhuderstrasse 70.
Lina Lippmann was widowed on September 23rd, 1937. The epitaph on the prominent tombstone she had erected for her husband at the Jewish cemetery in Ohlsdorf read: "To my faithful life companion Emil Lippmann, in love unforgotten.” The Lippmanns had lived in Hamburg-Hamm and been members of the Jewish Community at least since 1928. Emil Lippmann was a travelling salesman, an "area chief” and acted as janitor in the building where he lived. He had provided for old age and left a small fortune consisting mainly of securities.
When Lina Lippmann in 1939 applied to the Chief Finance Administrator for permission to sell these stocks and bonds "because all my relatives are emigrating and I am single and unable to look after them well”, the reaction was a security order. Effective May 30th, 1939, she was allowed to withdraw 400 RM per month. In addition, 4000 RM for a heart cure were released two weeks later. But already in September, her allowance was reduced to 325 RM, against monthly expenses of 405 RM.
When Lina Lippmann realized her capital was dwindling and she was unable to live off the interest, she made efforts to have her taxes and dues reduced. On November 1st, 1939, she filed an application for waiver of the renewed "levy on Jewish assets.” Making only a minimal contribution to Jewish winter aid was a further attempt at reducing costs, as documented by the letter quoted above.
Lina Lippmann only lived at Heimhuderstrasse 70 for four months; on July 19th, 1942, she was deported to Theresienstadt, and another two months later, on September 29th, 1942, taken to the Treblinka extermination camp and murdered there.
Translated by Peter Hubschmid
Kindly supported by the Hermann Reemtsma Stiftung, Hamburg.
Stand: March 2017
© Hildegard Thevs
Quellen: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 7; StaH, 522-1, Jüdische Gemeinden, o. Sign. Mitgliederzählung der DIGH 1928; 390 Wählerverzeichnis 1930; 391 Mitgliederliste 1935; 992 d Steuerakten; BA Bln., Volkszählung 1939; Stadtteilarchiv Hamm, persönliche Mitteilungen des ehemaligen Nachbarn R. C.
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